**Critter World Tournament** The competitors: * `ThePolice`, Aldo: arrests known critters, even other `ThePolice` * `God`, Julie and Josh: moves like a `Tiger`, avoids unknown critters and other `God`s, smites known critters * `Iguana`, Emma: hyper aggressive, kaleidoscopic coloring, knows its enemy's weaknesses * `NorthfieldSquirrel`, Colette and Madeline: flits about cleverly exploiting its opponents * `Swarm`, Aaron: shares knowledge among the swarm, hunts known prey and avoids strange critters until it can learn more --- # Round 1: `ThePolice` versus `God`
ThePolice:                  85 kills  25 alive 110 total
God:                  21 kills   0 alive  21 total
Elephant:                   7 kills   0 alive   7 total
Tiger:                   6 kills   0 alive   6 total
Stone:                   2 kills   3 alive   5 total
Mouse:                   1 kills   0 alive   1 total
**`ThePolice` wins!** # Round 2: `ThePolice` versus `Iguana`
ThePolice:                  70 kills  24 alive  94 total
Iguana:                  23 kills   4 alive  27 total
Stone:                   7 kills   3 alive  10 total
Mouse:                   8 kills   0 alive   8 total
Tiger:                   6 kills   0 alive   6 total
Elephant:                   5 kills   0 alive   5 total
**`ThePolice` wins!** # Round 3: `ThePolice` versus `NorthfieldSquirrel`
ThePolice:                  82 kills  25 alive 107 total
NorthfieldSquirrel:                  13 kills   0 alive  13 total
Tiger:                  11 kills   0 alive  11 total
Elephant:                   8 kills   0 alive   8 total
Stone:                   6 kills   0 alive   6 total
Mouse:                   5 kills   0 alive   5 total
**`ThePolice` wins!** # Round 4: `ThePolice` versus `Swarm`
Swarm:                  58 kills  21 alive  79 total
ThePolice:                  53 kills   0 alive  53 total
Stone:                   5 kills   2 alive   7 total
Tiger:                   5 kills   0 alive   5 total
Elephant:                   4 kills   0 alive   4 total
Mouse:                   2 kills   0 alive   2 total
**`Swarm` wins!** # Round 5: `God` versus `Iguana`
Iguana:                  56 kills  14 alive  70 total
God:                  47 kills   0 alive  47 total
Stone:                   5 kills   9 alive  14 total
Tiger:                   7 kills   0 alive   7 total
Elephant:                   6 kills   1 alive   7 total
Mouse:                   5 kills   0 alive   5 total
**`Iguana` wins!** # Round 6: `God` versus `NorthfieldSquirrel`
God:                  76 kills  25 alive 101 total
NorthfieldSquirrel:                  14 kills   0 alive  14 total
Tiger:                  12 kills   0 alive  12 total
Elephant:                  11 kills   0 alive  11 total
Mouse:                   8 kills   0 alive   8 total
Stone:                   4 kills   0 alive   4 total
**`God` wins!** # Round 7: `God` versus `Swarm`
Swarm:                  73 kills  20 alive  93 total
God:                  36 kills   0 alive  36 total
Elephant:                   8 kills   1 alive   9 total
Tiger:                   8 kills   0 alive   8 total
Mouse:                   3 kills   0 alive   3 total
Stone:                   1 kills   0 alive   1 total
**`Swarm` wins!** # Round 8: `Iguana` versus `NorthfieldSquirrel`
NorthfieldSquirrel:                  54 kills  14 alive  68 total
Iguana:                  43 kills  13 alive  56 total
Tiger:                  11 kills   0 alive  11 total
Mouse:                   6 kills   0 alive   6 total
Elephant:                   5 kills   0 alive   5 total
Stone:                   3 kills   1 alive   4 total
**`NorthfieldSquirrel` wins!** # Round 9: `Iguana` versus `Swarm`
Swarm:                  64 kills  19 alive  83 total
Iguana:                  24 kills  10 alive  34 total
Tiger:                  11 kills   0 alive  11 total
Stone:                   3 kills   6 alive   9 total
Elephant:                   7 kills   1 alive   8 total
Mouse:                   5 kills   0 alive   5 total
**`Swarm` wins!** # Round 10: `NorthfieldSquirrel` versus `Swarm`
Swarm:                  80 kills  23 alive 103 total
NorthfieldSquirrel:                  30 kills   0 alive  30 total
Elephant:                   5 kills   1 alive   6 total
Tiger:                   5 kills   0 alive   5 total
Stone:                   5 kills   0 alive   5 total
Mouse:                   1 kills   0 alive   1 total
**`Swarm` wins!** # Standings | critter | wins | losses | total kills | total alive | overall total | |---------|------|--------|-------------|-------------|---------------| | `Swarm` | 4 | 0 | 275 | 83 | 358 | | `ThePolice` | 3 | 1 | 290 | 74 | 364 | | `God` | 1 | 3 | 180 | 25 | 205 | | `Iguana` | 1 | 3 | 146 | 41 | 187 | | `NorthfieldSquirrel` | 1 | 3 | 111 | 14 | 125 | # Awards * **Friendliest**: `NorthfieldSquirrel` * **Deadliest**: `ThePolice` * **Survivalist**: `Swarm` * **All or Nothing**: `God` (either all 25 survived or 0 survived) * **Friend to the Stones**: `Iguana` (always Stones left alive)