* Questions
V Slicing
V slicing [defaults]
* returns a new sequence with the elements from a portion of an existing sequence
* uses the form sequence[start:end:interval]
* start:end:interval
* start:end:[1]
* start:[len]:[1]
* [0]:end:[1]
* [0]:[len]:[1]
* [:] to copy
* Practice: fruit ninja
V final project
* see http://cs.carleton.edu/faculty/awb/cs111/f19/final-project.md.html
V vpython
* see vpython_funtimes.py
* to install: python3 -m pip install --user vpython
* documentation: https://www.glowscript.org/docs/VPythonDocs/index.html
* example programs: https://www.glowscript.org/#/user/GlowScriptDemos/folder/Examples/
V graphics
* see tic-tac-toe.py
* documentation: https://mcsp.wartburg.edu/zelle/python/graphics/graphics/index.html