Welcome party
HW1 due, HW2 and partners posted
Practice: function to convert miles to kilometers
1.61 km per mile
Problem: what icon to display in weather app?
Simplified problem: difference between current and “hot” temperature (i.e., should the app show the current temperature in red)
Decision time
we can do this with Python’s if
anatomy of if
if <condition>: <indented lines only executed when condition is True>
need to make program behavior conditional on state of the world
diagram possible states and actions
let’s say text has more than two settings (yellow, orange, red)
if/elif/else nice way to structure this decision
Practice: number guessing game
given a player’s guess and a secret number, print “cold” “warm” or “lava”
only print one hint
boolean expressions
relational operators
less than (<), less than or equal to (<=)
greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=)
equal (==)
not equal (!=)
can use and, or to combine expressions
check if variable x is positive number at most 10: x > 0 and x <= 10
can use parentheses to control evaluation
current_temp > hot_temp and chance_of_rain > 0.4 or chance_of_clouds > 0.5
(current_temp > hot_temp and chance_of_rain > 0.4) or chance_of_clouds > 0.5
same as first version, by default ands and ors are evaluated left to right
current_temp > hot_temp and (chance_of_rain > 0.4 or chance_of_clouds > 0.5)
Practice: write an absolute value function
Let’s imagine our guessing game is played over many rounds
We might copy and paste the code for each round with minor changes
Is this a place where a function would be useful?
What part of the code should be moved into a function and what would it look like?
Partner activity
Here is a common interview question in CS.
Write a program called fizzbuzz.py that asks the user to input a number num and outputs the following.
Outputs “fizz” if num is divisible by 3, Outputs “buzz” if num is divisible by 5, Outputs “fizzbuzz” if num is divisible by both 3 and 5, and Outputs num otherwise.
Modify your program so that it also outputs “jazz” if num is divisible by 7. Note that it should also output “fizzjazz” if it is divisible by 3 and 7, and so on for all other combinations above