Round 0: two_tits_for_tats vs not_comrade vs mehdi
Scores:       -2.03             -1.96          -1.96
Round 1: two_tits_for_tats vs not_comrade vs randomMimic
Scores:       -1.95             -1.88          -2.02
Round 2: two_tits_for_tats vs not_comrade vs my_strat
Scores:       -0.9              -0.85          -2.79
Round 3: two_tits_for_tats vs not_comrade vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner
Scores:       -1.82             -1.77          -2.1
Round 4: two_tits_for_tats vs not_comrade vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:       -1.98             -1.93          -1.98
Round 5: two_tits_for_tats vs mehdi vs randomMimic
Scores:       -1.91          -1.84    -2.05
Round 6: two_tits_for_tats vs mehdi vs my_strat
Scores:       -0.9           -0.85    -2.79
Round 7: two_tits_for_tats vs mehdi vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner
Scores:       -1.82          -1.77    -2.1
Round 8: two_tits_for_tats vs mehdi vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:       -1.98          -1.93    -1.98
Round 9: two_tits_for_tats vs randomMimic vs my_strat
Scores:       -0.04             -1.63          -1.75
Round 10: two_tits_for_tats vs randomMimic vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner
Scores:       -1.06             -1.98          -1.61
Round 11: two_tits_for_tats vs randomMimic vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:       -1.78             -2.08          -1.78
Round 12: two_tits_for_tats vs my_strat vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner
Scores:       0.22            -1.55       -1.04
Round 13: two_tits_for_tats vs my_strat vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:       -0.89           -2.31       -0.89
Round 14: two_tits_for_tats vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:       2.97                       2.97                            3.02
Round 15: not_comrade vs mehdi vs randomMimic
Scores:    -2.0        -2.0     -2.0
Round 16: not_comrade vs mehdi vs my_strat
Scores:    -0.56       -0.56    -3.08
Round 17: not_comrade vs mehdi vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner
Scores:    -1.8        -1.8     -2.15
Round 18: not_comrade vs mehdi vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:    -1.96       -1.96    -2.03
Round 19: not_comrade vs randomMimic vs my_strat
Scores:    -0.12          -1.09          -2.35
Round 20: not_comrade vs randomMimic vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner
Scores:    -1.47          -2.04          -1.76
Round 21: not_comrade vs randomMimic vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:    -1.92          -1.99          -1.99
Round 22: not_comrade vs my_strat vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner
Scores:    -0.74        -2.59       -1.05
Round 23: not_comrade vs my_strat vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:    -0.93        -2.73       -0.98
Round 24: not_comrade vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:    -1.77                   -2.1                           -1.82
Round 25: mehdi vs randomMimic vs my_strat
Scores: -0.52       -1.35          -2.19
Round 26: mehdi vs randomMimic vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner
Scores: -1.34       -2.14          -1.65
Round 27: mehdi vs randomMimic vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores: -1.92       -1.99          -1.99
Round 28: mehdi vs my_strat vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner
Scores: -0.59      -2.7       -0.88
Round 29: mehdi vs my_strat vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores: -0.89     -2.76       -0.94
Round 30: mehdi vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores: -1.77                -2.1                           -1.82
Round 31: randomMimic vs my_strat vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner
Scores:    1.76          2.28        1.34
Round 32: randomMimic vs my_strat vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:    -0.22         0.24        1.5
Round 33: randomMimic vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:    2.23                    2.3                             2.79
Round 34: my_strat vs winner_winner_chicken_dinner vs sly_tough_mimic
Scores:  -0.35                 -0.49                            0.93  
Place | strategy | average score | description | ------|----------|---------------|-------------| 1st | `sly_tough_mimic` | -0.664 | Cheeky little script just like tough_mimic except it defects on the last turn | 2nd | `winner_winner_chicken_dinner` | -0.828 | Always cooperates on the first few rounds as a gesture of goodwill. Defects if both opponents start excessively defecting (how rude of them!) Defects at the most treacherous opponent's historical defect percent. | 3rd | `two_tits_for_tats` | -1.058 | This strategy is similar to a mimic, since it cooperates in the first round, but it defects twice in a row if either of the other two players defects. If the other players defect while the two tits for tats is playing the two defects, the player will tit for tat player will restart the defect printing. | 4th | `randomMimic` | -1.239 | Randomly chooses an action from the entire pool of opponent's previous actions. | 5th | `not_comrade` | -1.444 | The default is defect unless the careful mimic code returns a defect, then it cooperates. | 6th | `mehdi` | -1.447 | Check opponents history to determine next move. If both opponents cooperated in the last round, defect next round. If either opponent defected last round, also defect next round. By default, always defect. Works on the strategy of minimizing huge losses and causing opposing strategies to take huge losses. | 7th | `my_strat` | -1.828 | Alternates between `mimic` and `chaos`. |