Round 0: mean_mimic vs chaotic_evil vs controlled_chaos
Scores:    -2.0           -2.0            -2.0    
Round 1: mean_mimic vs chaotic_evil vs new_strategy
Scores:   -1.48          -1.48           -2.39    
Round 2: mean_mimic vs chaotic_evil vs strategy
Scores:   -1.96          -1.96           -2.03    
Round 3: mean_mimic vs chaotic_evil vs superman
Scores:    -2.0           -2.0            -2.0    
Round 4: mean_mimic vs chaotic_evil vs arya_strat
Scores:   -1.88          -1.88           -2.09    
Round 5: mean_mimic vs chaotic_evil vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:   -1.88          -1.88           -2.09    
Round 6: mean_mimic vs controlled_chaos vs new_strategy
Scores:   -1.56            -1.56               -2.33      
Round 7: mean_mimic vs controlled_chaos vs strategy
Scores:   -1.96            -1.96               -2.03      
Round 8: mean_mimic vs controlled_chaos vs superman
Scores:    -2.0             -2.0                -2.0      
Round 9: mean_mimic vs controlled_chaos vs arya_strat
Scores:   -1.88            -1.88               -2.09      
Round 10: mean_mimic vs controlled_chaos vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:   -1.88            -1.88               -2.09      
Round 11: mean_mimic vs new_strategy vs strategy
Scores:    0.26          -0.48           -0.56    
Round 12: mean_mimic vs new_strategy vs superman
Scores:   -1.44          -2.42           -1.44    
Round 13: mean_mimic vs new_strategy vs arya_strat
Scores:    2.93           2.88            2.39    
Round 14: mean_mimic vs new_strategy vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:   -1.18          -1.63           -1.56    
Round 15: mean_mimic vs strategy vs superman
Scores:   -1.96        -2.03       -1.96  
Round 16: mean_mimic vs strategy vs arya_strat
Scores:    -1.3        -1.67       -1.42  
Round 17: mean_mimic vs strategy vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:    2.87         2.82        2.05  
Round 18: mean_mimic vs superman vs arya_strat
Scores:   -1.88        -1.88       -2.09  
Round 19: mean_mimic vs superman vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:   -1.88        -1.88       -2.09  
Round 20: mean_mimic vs arya_strat vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:    3.02          2.97          2.97   
Round 21: chaotic_evil vs controlled_chaos vs new_strategy
Scores:    -1.52             -1.52               -2.36      
Round 22: chaotic_evil vs controlled_chaos vs strategy
Scores:    -1.96             -1.96               -2.03      
Round 23: chaotic_evil vs controlled_chaos vs superman
Scores:     -2.0              -2.0                -2.0      
Round 24: chaotic_evil vs controlled_chaos vs arya_strat
Scores:    -1.88             -1.88               -2.09      
Round 25: chaotic_evil vs controlled_chaos vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:    -1.88             -1.88               -2.09      
Round 26: chaotic_evil vs new_strategy vs strategy
Scores:     0.97           -1.14           -1.42    
Round 27: chaotic_evil vs new_strategy vs superman
Scores:    -1.52           -2.36           -1.52    
Round 28: chaotic_evil vs new_strategy vs arya_strat
Scores:    -1.35           -2.27            -1.5    
Round 29: chaotic_evil vs new_strategy vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:    -1.57           -2.11           -1.76    
Round 30: chaotic_evil vs strategy vs superman
Scores:    -1.96         -2.03       -1.96  
Round 31: chaotic_evil vs strategy vs arya_strat
Scores:    -1.74         -1.98       -1.91  
Round 32: chaotic_evil vs strategy vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:    -1.74         -1.98       -1.91  
Round 33: chaotic_evil vs superman vs arya_strat
Scores:    -1.88         -1.88       -2.09  
Round 34: chaotic_evil vs superman vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:    -1.88         -1.88       -2.09  
Round 35: chaotic_evil vs arya_strat vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:    -1.79          -1.94         -1.94   
Round 36: controlled_chaos vs new_strategy vs strategy
Scores:       0.42              -1.0           -1.23    
Round 37: controlled_chaos vs new_strategy vs superman
Scores:      -1.44             -2.42           -1.44    
Round 38: controlled_chaos vs new_strategy vs arya_strat
Scores:      -1.62             -2.07           -1.79    
Round 39: controlled_chaos vs new_strategy vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:      -1.47             -2.17           -1.59    
Round 40: controlled_chaos vs strategy vs superman
Scores:      -1.96           -2.03       -1.96  
Round 41: controlled_chaos vs strategy vs arya_strat
Scores:      -1.76           -1.93       -1.88  
Round 42: controlled_chaos vs strategy vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:      -1.13           -1.52       -1.52  
Round 43: controlled_chaos vs superman vs arya_strat
Scores:      -1.88           -1.88       -2.09  
Round 44: controlled_chaos vs superman vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:      -1.88           -1.88       -2.09  
Round 45: controlled_chaos vs arya_strat vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:      -1.79            -1.94         -1.94   
Round 46: new_strategy vs strategy vs superman
Scores:    -1.74          -1.6       -0.35  
Round 47: new_strategy vs strategy vs arya_strat
Scores:     2.48          2.3         2.07  
Round 48: new_strategy vs strategy vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:     2.76          2.56        2.06  
Round 49: new_strategy vs superman vs arya_strat
Scores:    -2.31          -1.3       -1.47  
Round 50: new_strategy vs superman vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:    -2.31          -1.3       -1.47  
Round 51: new_strategy vs arya_strat vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:    -1.45          -1.42         -1.28   
Round 52: strategy vs superman vs arya_strat
Scores:  -1.98       -1.74       -1.91  
Round 53: strategy vs superman vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:  -1.94       -1.77       -1.87  
Round 54: strategy vs arya_strat vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:   3.3          2.55          2.55   
Round 55: superman vs arya_strat vs fool_me_three_times
Scores:  -1.79        -1.94         -1.94   
Place | strategy | average score | description | ------|----------|---------------|-------------| 1st | `strategy` | -0.905 | A strategy similar to careful_mimic but more careful and with some added randomness | 2nd | `mean_mimic` | -1.002 | This strategy is the same thing as tough_mimic, except it defects the first round instead of cooperating, thus it is mean. | 3rd | `arya_strat` | -1.032 | my strategy is to implement a different version of judge where for the first three counts the strategy defects. From the fourth round, it checks whether the opponents are cooperating or defecting. If the number of cooperates is greater than number of defects, the strategy conforms. | 4th | `fool_me_three_times` | -1.033 | a very trusting strategy made by a very nice person | 5th | `new_strategy` | -1.278 | This strategy cooperates on round 0, plays chaos until round 25, soft_mimic until round 50, tough_mimic until round 75, and combined for the rest of the game. | 6th | `chaotic_evil` | -1.662 | Evil (betrayer) for the most part, but with some chaos (a 1 in 10 chance of cooperation) :) | 7th | `controlled_chaos` | -1.668 | basically defects initially and will sporadically (30% of the time) return "c" | 8th | `superman` | -1.705 | My superman strategy is similar to the betrayer strategy. I choose to make it this way because I noticed that the betrayer strategy always won. It works by only having a 0.01 percent chance of having a "c" in each round |