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add(String, Token) - Method in class SymbolTable
Add a string and associated token to the table


BOOLEAN_KIND - Static variable in class Token
Token is a boolean.


contains(String) - Method in class SymbolTable
Check if a string is present in the table


equals(Object) - Method in class Token
Check if a token equals another object


get(String) - Method in class SymbolTable
Retrieve the token associated with a string from the table
getBoolean() - Method in class Token
Get the boolean value from a boolean token
precondition: isBoolean()
getNumber() - Method in class Token
Get the double value from a number token
precondition: isNumber()
getProcedure() - Method in class Token
Get the list of tokens from a procedure token
precondition: isProcedure()
getSymbol() - Method in class Token
Get the string symbol from a symbol token
precondition: isSymbol()


hashCode() - Method in class Token
hasNext() - Method in class Reader
Check if there is a next input token


isBoolean() - Method in class Token
isNumber() - Method in class Token
isProcedure() - Method in class Token
isSymbol() - Method in class Token


kind() - Method in class Token
Get the kind of a token
Great for use in switch statements


next() - Method in class Reader
Get the next input token
NUMBER_KIND - Static variable in class Token
Token is a number.


PROCEDURE_KIND - Static variable in class Token
Token is a procedure.


Reader - Class in <Unnamed>
A simple input stream that parses postscript files and generates a stream of Tokens.
Reader() - Constructor for class Reader
Constructs a reader of postscript tokens from System.in (the terminal)
Reader(String) - Constructor for class Reader
Constructs a reader of postscript tokens from the file with the given filename.
remove(String) - Method in class SymbolTable
Remove a string and the associated token from the table


SYMBOL_KIND - Static variable in class Token
Token is a symbol.
SymbolTable - Class in <Unnamed>
A table of symbols for a postscript interpreter.
SymbolTable() - Constructor for class SymbolTable
Constructs empty symbol table


Token - Class in <Unnamed>
A class that implements Tokens that might be read from a stream of postscript commands.
Token(boolean) - Constructor for class Token
Constructs a boolean token with value bool
Token(double) - Constructor for class Token
Constructs a double token with value value
Token(String) - Constructor for class Token
Constructs a symbol token with value symbol
Token(List<Token>) - Constructor for class Token
Constructs a procedure token with values from the List proc
toString() - Method in class SymbolTable
toString() - Method in class Token
Generates string representation of a token.
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