CS 208 s21 — Caching: Associativity and Lookup

Table of Contents

1 Video

Here is a video lecture for the material outlined below. It covers CSPP sections 6.4.2 to 6.4.4 (p. 617–627). It contains sections on

  1. associativity (0:08)
  2. associativity example (6:21)
  3. placement policy (10:54)
  4. cache organization (14:01)
  5. cache parameters (21:20)
  6. direct-mapped lookup example (21:53)
  7. 2-way associative lookup example (28:36)
  8. fully associative lookup (31:30)
  9. lab 4 advice (33:46)

The Panopto viewer has table of contents entries for these sections. Link to the Panopto viewer: https://carleton.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=6d5638ed-6872-43b8-ae97-ac59010da9c2

2 Associativity

  • each address maps to exactly one set
  • each set can store a block in more than one way (in more than one line)


  • capacity of a cache (\(C\)) is number of sets (\(S\)) times the number of lines per set (\(E\)) times the block size (\(B\), number of bytes stored in a line)
    • \(C = S \times E \times B\)

2.1 Example

block size capacity address width
16 bytes 8 blocks 16 bits

Where would data from address 0x1833 be placed?1


2.2 Placement

  • where do we store a new block when we load it into the cache?
  • any empty block in the correct set may be used to store block
  • if there are no empty blocks, which one should we replace?
    • no choice for direct-mapped caches (each set has only one block, so that block has to be replaced)
    • caches typically use something close to least recently used (LRU)

3 Generic Cache Memory Organization


  • a cache has an array of \(S = 2^s\) cache sets, each of which contain \(E\) blocks or cache lines
  • each line consists of a valid bit to indicate whether the line contains meaningful information, \(t=m-s-b)\) tag bits to indentify a block within the cache line, and a data block of \(B=2^b\) bytes
    • management bits (valid bit and tag) plus block data
  • hence, the cache organization is parameterized by the tuple \((S, E, B)\) with a capacity (excluding tag and valid bits) of \(C = S\times E\times B\)
  • instruction to load m-bit address \(A\) from memory, CPU sends \(A\) to the cache
    • similar to a hash table with a simple hash function, the cache just inspects the bits of \(A\) to determine if it is present
    • \(S\) and \(B\) define the partition of the bits of \(A\)
      • \(s\) set bits index into the array of \(S\) sets
      • \(t\) tag bits indicate which line (if any) within the set contains the target word
        • a line contains the target word if and only if the valid bit is set and the tag bits match
      • \(b\) block offset bits give the offset of the word in the \(B\)-byte data block


4 Direct Mapped Caches

  • spreadsheet example (8 byte blocks, accessing int)
    • use \(s\) bits to find set
    • valid? + tag match = hit
      • no match? old line gets envicted and overwritten
    • use block offset to find starting byte to read int
    • what if we were reading a long? we'd need bytes past the end of the block
      • would be slow and messy to read across block boundaries
      • this is why we want everything aligned to an address that's a multiple of its size!


  • when there is one line per set (\(E=1\)), the cache is a direct-mapped cache
  • three cache resolution steps: set selection, line matchting, word extraction

4.0.1 Set Selection


  • interpret set bits an unsigned integer index

4.0.2 Line Matching


4.0.3 Word Selection

  • block offset bits indicate the offset of the first byte of the target word

4.0.4 Line Replacement

  • on a cache miss, replace the line in the set with the newly retrieved line (since there's only one in a direct-mapped cache)

4.0.5 Conflict Misses

  • thrashing between blocks that index to the same set is common and can cause significant slowdown
    • often when array sizes are powers of two
    • easy solution is to add padding between data to push temporally local values into different sets

5 Set Associative Caches

  • spreadsheet example (8 byte blocks, accessing short)
    • use \(s\) bits to find set
    • valid? + tag match = hit (have to compare to both tags)
      • no match? one line is selected for evictiong (random, LRU, etc.)
    • use block offset to find starting byte to read short


  • A cache with \(1 < E < C/B\) is called an \(E\)-way associative cache

5.0.1 Set Selection


  • interpret set bits an unsigned integer index

5.0.2 Line Matching & Word Selection


  • has to compare tag bits with multiple lines
  • conventional memory takes an address and returns the value there vs associative memory that takes a key and returns a value from a matching (key, value) pair
    • each set acts like a small associative memory

5.0.3 Line Replacement

  • replace empty lines first
  • random, least frequently used (LFU), and least recently used (LRU) possible policies

6 Fully Associative Caches

  • when a single set contains all the cache lines (\(E = C/B\))
  • difficult to scale line matching, so only appropriate for small caches

7 Lab 4 Advice

  • we only care about simulating hits/misses/evictions, so we don't need to simulate data blocks or use the block offset
  • general lookup algorithm:
    1. extract set index and tag from address
    2. iterate over lines in corresponding set
      1. check valid bit in each line
      2. if valid, compare tag from address to tag stored in line
      3. on a match, result is cache hit
    3. if no lines match, result is a cache miss
    4. replace least recently used line with tag from address, set valid to true
  • least recently used:
    • each line has an integer counter
    • every time a set is accessed, increment the counter for each line in the set
    • when a line matches or is replaced, set its lru_counter to 0
    • thus, the line with the highest lru_counter value is the least recently used



See exercise on the spreadsheet.