CS 208 s21 — Learning Block #19

Table of Contents

1 Warmup

Which pair of address conflict?1


  • 0x24 and 0x30
  • 0x0a and 0x28
  • 0x38 and 0x39
  • 0x15 and 0x11

1.1 Conflict

  • what happens if we access these two addresses in alternation?
    • every access is a cache miss, replacing the address that was just loaded in on the last miss
    • rest of the cache goes unused

2 Associativity Exercise

block size capacity address width
16 bytes 8 blocks 16 bits

In what sets could data from address 0xf00d be placed in a direct-mapped, 2-way associative, and 4-way associative cache with the above properties?2



3 Cache Parameter Exercise

With 12-bit addresses, a 256 byte cache, 32 byte block size, and 2-way associativity, how are addresses used for caching?3

4 Practice

CSPP practice problems 6.12–6.16 (p. 628–630) will be a good warmup for implementing lab 4



0x0a and 0x28, both have set index bits 10


See exercise on the spreadsheet.


32-byte block size means 5 block offset bits. \(C = 256\), \(B = 32\) and \(E = 2\) (2-way associative), so \(S = C / B / E = 4\). \(s = \log_2 S = 2\) set index bits. That leaves \(12 - 5 - 2 = 5\) tag bits.