CS 208 w20 lecture 0 outline

1 Preview/Motivation

  • memory is finite
    • overflow example
      • will 200*300*400*500 be positive or negative? int_test.java
    • floating point
      • is multiplication associative (e.g., are (2.5*0.1)*1.5 and 2.5*(0.1*1.5) equivalent?)
  • constant factors matter
    • computing the factorial iteratively vs recursively, which will be faster? factorial_test.java
    • looping over rows then columns or columns then rows, does it matter? loops_test.java
  • layers of abstraction
    • say I'm streaming music from Spotify and writing code at the same time on my laptop—what tasks does it have to perform?
      • receive and process network packets
      • send data to audio device
      • update screen
      • write to disk
      • run compiler/executable
    • each program operates under the convenient illusion that it is the only one using these resources
      • OS makes it so that application developers don't have to worry about the mess underneath
      • nor can one application go and actively mess around with memory data for another (virtual memory)
    • OS and hardware handle the rapid switching between all of these tasks to give a smooth real-time appearance
  • 208 focuses on the hardware/software interface from a programmer's perspective
    • mainly the Instruction Set Architecture, Operating System, and Compiler/Interpreter in this diagram of computer system layers


2 Administrivia

3 Binary & hexadecimal

  • binary = base 2
    • base 10 (regular decimal numbers) has a 1s, 10s, 100s digit, etc.
      • the number 23 is \(2\times 10 + 3 \times 1\)
    • can be written as \(10^0\), \(10^1\), \(10^2\), …
      • hence base 10 numbers
    • binary just substitutes a base of 2 for a base of 10
      • \(2^0\), \(2^1\), \(2^2\), …
      • 1s, 2s, 4s, …
      • the binary number 11 is \(1\times 2 + 1\times 1\) or 3
    • the base of a numbering system also indicates how many unique digits it has
      • base 10 has the digits 0–9, after 9 we carry over to the next larger place
      • base 2 has two digits, 0 and 1
        • why use base 2 for computing? natural fit with presence/absence of electric current or high vs low voltage
        • a single binary digit is called a bit, the fundamental unit of digital data
        • it's also very common to talk about data in terms of bytes (8 bits to a byte)
    • QUICK CHECK: how many bits do you need to represent the base 10 number 17?
      • 5 bits (0b10001), binary numbers indicated with 0b prefix
    • QUICK CHECK: how many different values can 6 bits represent?
      • 64 (from 0, 0b000000, to 63, 0b111111)
  • hexadecimal = base 16
    • same principle as before
      • \(16^0\), \(16^1\), \(16^2\), … \(\rightarrow\) 1s, 16s, 256s
    • but why base 16?
      • first, base 10 doesn't fit naturally with binary since 10 isn't a power of 2
      • 16 is \(2^4\), (how many bits?), giving it the nice property of 4 bits to represent each digit, 2 hex digits to a byte
        • a single hex digit, or 4 bits, is called a nybble
    • speaking of hex digits, the base 10 0 to 9 aren't enough
      • 0x10 (hex numbers indicated with 0x prefix) is 16 in base 10, we need digits for 10–15
      • use the letters a–f
base 10 base 2 base 16
0 0b0000 0x0
1 0b0001 0x1
2 0b0010 0x2
3 0b0011 0x3
4 0b0100 0x4
5 0b0101 0x5
6 0b0110 0x6
7 0b0111 0x7
8 0b1000 0x8
9 0b1001 0x9
10 0b1010 0xa
11 0b1011 0xb
12 0b1100 0xc
13 0b1101 0xd
14 0b1110 0xe
15 0b1111 0xf
16 0b10000 0x10
  • QUICK CHECK: what is 0xaf in binary and decimal?

3.1 Everything is bits!

  • consider 0x4e6f21, what does it mean?
  • up to the program/programmer to interpret what any sequence of bits actually represents