CS 332 s20 — Uniprocessor Scheduling

Table of Contents

1 Video Lecture

Please watch the video lecture: It contains sections on

  1. Introduction (0:04)
  2. Overview (1:14)
  3. Definitions (2:22)
  4. Performance Metrics (7:29)
  5. Policy: First In First Out (FIFO) (10:01)
  6. Policy: Shortest Job First (SJF) (11:18)
  7. FIFO vs SJF (12:55)
  8. Is SJF Optimal? (13:49)
  9. Is FIFO ever optimal? (19:31)
  10. Policy: (Pre-emptive) Round Robin (23:08)
  11. Round Robin on Equal-Length Tasks (25:25)
  12. Round Robin on Mix of I/O and Compute Tasks (26:48)
  13. Max-Min Fairness (28:12)
  14. Multi-Level Feedback Queue (MFQ) (32:09)
  15. Multiple Round Robin Queues (34:07)
  16. MFQ With Four Levels (35:29)
  17. Summary (38:00)
  18. Reading: The Multi-Level Feedback Queue (40:07)
  19. Annoucements (40:42)

The Panopto viewer has table of contents entries for each slide (https://carleton.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=d151ff0c-5cc5-4c88-9d3a-abba011abfeb). You can access the lecture slides here.

2 Reading: Multi-level Feedback Queue

Read OSTEP chapter 8, (p. 85–94) on the multi-level feedback queues. It develops this classic scheduling technique in more detail.

3 Homework

  1. Provide your classmates with peer review feedback by Friday.
  2. Quiz due tonight at 9pm.
  3. Work through the homework questions in OSTEP chapter 8 to play with a simulated MFQ scheduler. Download the code here: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/Homework/HW-MLFQ.tgz