CS 332 s20 — Advanced Scheduling

Table of Contents

1 Video Lecture

Please watch the video lecture: It contains sections on

  1. Introduction (0:05)
  2. Scheduling Sequential Tasks on a Multiprocessor (0:34)
  3. Solution: Per-Processor Affinity Scheduling (4:25)
  4. An MFQ for Each Processor (6:24)
  5. Scheduling Parallel Programs (6:47)
  6. Oblivious Scheduling (8:58)
  7. Bulk Synchronous Parallelism (10:07)
  8. Bulk Synchronous Delay (12:21)
  9. Producer-Consumer Delay (13:09)
  10. Gang Scheduling (14:11)
  11. Gang Scheduling can be Inefficient (15:33)
  12. Solution: Space Sharing (17:45)
  13. Energy-Aware Scheduling (21:16)
  14. Optimize For Performance Only When It Matters (24:15)
  15. Linux Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) (27:57)
  16. End Notes (32:02)

The Panopto viewer has table of contents entries for each slide (https://carleton.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=835c9c4a-80cc-4012-93c2-abbc011e1ffe). You can access the lecture slides here.

2 Homework

  1. Do the lab 3 peer review!
  2. Make a post in the lab 3 check-in forum, due 9pm Monday, May 18 (let this be a reason to start your implementation by Monday!)
  3. Week 6 quiz due 9pm Wednesday, May 20.