CS 332 w22 — Semaphores and Advanced Locks

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

Consider this sitation:

Suppose a library has 10 identical study rooms, to be used by one student at a time. Students must request a room from the front desk if they wish to use a study room. If no rooms are free, students wait at the desk until someone relinquishes a room. When a student has finished using a room, the student must return to the desk and indicate that one room has become free.

If the rooms represent some shared resource, and the students represent threads, could we implement this situation using a mutual exclusion lock?

In controlling access to the study rooms, we are hampered by the fact that a lock is binary—it's either BUSY or FREE. But the system has 11 states: between 0 and 10 study rooms will be free (assuming the rooms are interchangeable). It would be useful to have a synchronization object with more than two states.

2 The Semaphore

  • A semaphore has a value
  • When created, a semaphore's values can be initialized any non-negative integer
  • sem_wait(sem_t *sem) atomically decrements the value by 1, and then blocks if the resulting value is negative
  • sem_post(sem_t *sem) atomically increments the value by 1. If any threads are waiting in sem_wait, wake one up
  • no other operations are allowed, including reading the current value
  • up and down are traditionally referred to as P and V, and can also be called down and up

2.1 Mutual Exclusion or General Waiting

  • can be used for mutual exclusion (like a lock) or general waiting for another thread to do something (similar to condition variables)
    • when a semaphore's value is initialized to 1, sem_wait() is equivalent to lock_acquire() and sem_post() is equivalent to lock_release()
    • general waiting requires somewhat more complex approaches:
      • initialize semaphore with the value of some finite resource, requesting threads wait if all are busy (like the study room example)
      • a role analogous to thread_join—the precise order of events does not matter, the call returns right away if the forked thread has finished and waits otherwise
      • initialize the semaphore at 0
      • each call to down waits for the corresponding thread to to call up, returning immediately if up is called first

2.2 Semephores Considered Harmful

  • can be difficult to coordinate shared state with general waiting
    • down does not release a held lock like condvar_wait does
    • need to release lock before, programmer needs to carefully construct program to work in this case
    • unlike condvar_signal, which has no effect if no threads are waiting, up causes the next down to proceed without blocking whenever it happens
  • two different abstractions, semaphore for mutual exclusion and semaphore for general waiting, can make code unclear and confusing
    • locks and condition variables make this distinction obvious
  • programmer has to carefully map shared object's state to the semaphore's value
    • whereas a condition variable with an associated lock can wait on any aspect of object's state

2.3 Useful in Interrupt Handlers

  • Locks and condition variables typically a better choice, but semaphores useful for synchronizing communication between I/O devices and waiting threads
  • Communications between hardware and kernel can’t be coordinated with software lock—instead hardware and drivers use atomic memory operations
  • Interrupt handler for device I/O needs to wake up waiting thread
    • Use a condition variable to signal without the lock? (naked notify)
      • Corner case: thread checks shared memory for I/O to process, but before it waits, hardware updates shared memory and interrupt handler signals
      • signal has no effect with no waiting threads, when the thread calls wait, signal has been missed
    • Because semaphores maintain state (i.e., value) they prevent this case
    • Call to sem_post never lost, regardless of ordering

3 Reader/Writer Locks

Often a good idea to optimize for the common case. That is, if a situation occurs often, it can be well worth it to optimzation that situation even if in rare cases the effect will be negative. One such situation is data that is frequently read and rarely written. We've discussed how multiple threads accessing read-only data does not require any synchronization. The idea here is to design a new kind of lock to allow this benign paralellism while still protecting against lost updates and other concurrency bugs. Cue the Reader-Writer Lock.

  • Purpose is to protect shared data, like a standard mutual exclusion lock
  • Allows multiple reader threads to simultaneously access shared data
  • Only one writer thread may hold the RWLock at any one time
    • Writer thread can read and write, while reader threads can only read
    • Prevents any other access (writer or reader)
  • Commonly used in databases, supporting frequent fast queries while allowing less frequent updates
    • OS kernel also maintains frequently-read, rarely-updated data structures
struct rwlock {
  // synchronization variables
  struct lock mutex;
  struct condvar read_go;
  struct condvar write_go;

  // state variables
  int active_readers;
  int active_writers;
  int waiting_readers;
  int waiting_writers;

void init_rwlock(struct rwlock *rw) {
    rw->active_readers = 0;
    rw->active_writers = 0;
    rw->waiting_readers = 0;
    rw->waiting_writers = 0;

/* Wait until no active or waiting writes, then proceed */
void start_read(struct rwlock *rw) {
    // use the lock to make operations atomic

    while(read_should_wait(rw)) { // <- always wait inside a loop
        condvar_wait(&rw->read_go, &rw->mutex);


/* Done reading. If no other active reads, a write may proceed */
void done_read(struct rwlock *rw) {
    // use the lock to make operations atomic

    // we should signal if we're the last active read and a write is waiting
    if (rw->active_readers == 0 && rw->waiting_writers > 0) {


/* Read waits if any active or waiting write ("writers preferred") */
bool read_should_wait(struct rwlock *rw) {
    return rw->active_writers > 0 || rw->waiting_writers > 0;

/* Wait until no active read or write, then proceed */
void start_write(struct rwlock *rw) {
    // use the lock to make operations atomic

    while(write_should_wait(rw)) {
        condvar_wait(&rw->write_go, &rw->mutex);


/* Done writing. A waiting write or all reads may proceed */
void done_write(struct rwlock *rw) {
    // use the lock to make operations atomic

    assert(rw->active_writers == 0);
    if (rw->waiting_writers > 0) {
    } else {


/* Write waits for active read or write */
bool write_should_wait(struct rwlock *rw) {
    return rw->active_writers > 0 || rw->active_readers > 0;

4 Optimizing Under Lock Contention

  • Standard lock implementation performs well when the lock is usually free
  • When there's a lot of competition to acquire a lock, performance can suffer
  • What happens if many processors try to acquire the lock at the same time?
    • Hardware doesn't prioritize the thread trying to release the lock
    • Many processor's trying to gain exclusive access to the memory location of the lock
  • Could a processor check if the lock is FREE before acquiring?
    • When lock is freed, must be communicated to other processors
    • Significant latency as new lock value gets loaded into each processor's cache
  • Maybe we have processors check less frequently?
  • More scalable solution: assign each waiting thread a separate memory location to check

4.1 MCS Lock

  • The MCS is the most widely used implementation of this idea
    • Named after its authors, Mellor-Crummey and Scott
  • Takes advantage of atomic compare_and_swap instruction

    • Operates on a word of memory
    • Check that the value of the memory word matches an expected value
      • e.g., no other thread did a compare_and_swap first
    • If value has changed, try again
    • If not, memory word is set to a new value
    // psuedocode
    x = SHARED_DATA;
                            NEW_VALUE)) {
        // someone changed SHARED_DATA between when
        // we read it and compare_and_swap
        // read SHARED_DATA again and repeat
        x = SHARED_DATA;
    // once we get here, we know we have atomically
  • Maintain a list of threads waiting for the lock
    • Front of list holds the lock
    • New thread uses compare_and_swap to atomically add itself to the end of the list
  • For each thread, track next waiting thread and variable to busy wait on
  • Per-thread needToWait flag lets them wait on separate memory locations


  • Initially (a) tail is NULL indicating that the lock is FREE
  • To acquire the lock (b), thread A atomically sets tail to point to A's lock data
  • Additional threads B and C queue by adding themselves (atomically) to the tail (c) and (d); they then busy-wait on their respective lock data's needToWait flag.
  • Thread A hands the lock to B by clearing B's needToWait flag (e)
  • B hands the lock to C by clearing C's needToWait flag (f)
  • C release the lock by setting tail by to NULL if and only if no one else is waiting—that is, iff tail sill points to C's lock data


The MCS lock has a performance advantage when there are lots of waiting threads. If the lock is usually free, the extra overhead is not worth it.

4.2 RCU Lock

  • A standard reader-writer lock can become a nasty bottleneck for rea-dominated workloads
  • If readers have short critical sections, the need to acquire a mutex before and after each read in order to update the reader count limits the rate at which readers can enter the critical section
    • i.e., a reader-writer lock requires readers to start a read one-at-a-time, and with large numbers of concurrent reads, this will become an issue
  • The read-copy-update (RCU) approach optimizes the overhead for readers at the expense of writers
  • Goal: very fast reads to shared data
    • Reads proceed without first acquiring a lock
    • Assumes write is (very) slow and infrequent
  • Multiple concurrent versions of the data
    • Readers may see old version for a limited time
    • When might this be ok?
  • Restricted update
    • Writer computes new version of data structure
    • Publishes new version with a single atomic instruction
  • Relies on integration with thread scheduler
    • Guarantee all readers complete within grace period, and then garbage collect old version

