CS 332 w22 — Beyond Physical Memory

Table of Contents

1 (near) Infinite Memory

  • Can we provide the illusion of near infinite memory in limited physical memory?
    • What's a source of storage that's much bigger and cheaper than memory? The disk!
    • We will treat memory as a cache for the disk
    • This will enable
      • Demand-paged virtual memory, a general technique
      • Memory-mapped files, a technique for efficient I/O
  • Address translation will be a crucial tool, allowing kernel to intervene when accessing selected addresses

2 Demand Paging

  • Illusion of (nearly) infinite memory, available to every process
  • Multiplex virtual pages onto a limited amount of physical page frames
  • Pages can be either
    • resident (in physical memory, valid page table entry)
    • non-resident (on disk, invalid page table entry)
  • On reference to non-resident page, copy into memory, replacing some resident page
    • From the same process, or a different process
  • A generalization of the on-demand paging from earlier
    • Could start running a program after initializing the first code page, loaded others in the background or as needed
  • Space on disk reserved for non-resident spaces is called swap space

What happens when a process accesses virtual page B?



2.1 How does the kernel provide the illusion that all pages are resident?

  1. TLB miss
  2. Page table lookup
  3. Page fault (page invalid in page table)
  4. Trap to kernel
  5. Locate page on disk
  6. Allocate page frame
  7. Evict page if needed
  8. Initiate disk block read into page frame
  9. Disk interrupt when read complete
  10. Mark page as valid
  11. Resume process at faulting instruction
  12. TLB miss (entry still not present in TLB)
  13. Page table lookup to fetch translation
  14. Execute instruction

2.2 Where are non-resident pages stored on disk?

  • Option: Reuse page table entry
    • If resident, entry contains the physical page frame number
    • If non-resident, entry contains a disk block reference
  • Option: Use file system
    • Maintain a per-segment file in file system, offset within file corresponds to offset within segment

2.3 How do we find a free page frame?

  • If there's an unused page, use it
  • Otherwise, select old page to evict
  • Find all page table entries that refer to old page
  • If page frame is shared (use a core map, linking physical page → virtual pages)
  • Set each page table entry to invalid
  • Remove any TLB entries (on any core)
    • Why not: remove TLB entries then set to invalid?1
  • Write changes on page back to disk, if necessary
    • Why not: write changes to disk then set to invalid?2

2.4 Which pages have been modified (must be written back to disk)?

  • Every page table entry has some bookkeeping
    • Has page been modified?
      • Safe, but inefficient: treat every page as modified
      • Better: dirty bit
      • Set by hardware on store instruction
      • In both TLB and page table entry
  • Bookkeeping bits can be reset by the OS kernel
    • When changes to page are flushed to disk
  • Memory is a write-back cache for the pages on disk



2.5 What policy should we use for choosing which page to evict?

  • Random
    • For first-level caches, speed may be paramount, and cost of making a wrong choice is small
    • Avoids any bookkeeping overhead
    • Unlikely to make the worst choice, but lack of predictable behavior could prevent optimization
  • FIFO
    • Treat cache entries as a queue, always evict the oldest one
  • MIN
    • Replace the cache entry that will not be used for the longest time into the future
    • Optimality proof based on exchange: if evict an entry used sooner, that will trigger an earlier cache miss
  • Least Recently Used (LRU)
    • Replace the cache entry that has not been used for the longest time in the past
    • Approximation of MIN
  • Least Frequently Used (LFU)
    • Replace the cache entry used the least often (in the recent past)
  • Exercise: four physical pages, access pattern is A B A C B D A D E D A E B A C, model LRU, FIFO, and MIN3
  • Repeat with sequential scan pattern: A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E4

2.5.1 Approximating LRU

  • Hardware does not track exact LRU information
    • Would prohibitively expensive (e.g., update a linked list on every memory access)
    • Instead, tracks whether a page been recently used
      • Use bit
      • Set by hardware in page table entry when entry brought into TLB
  • How accurately do we need to track the least recently/least frequently used page?
    • If miss cost is low, any approximation will do
  • Clock algorithm
    • OS periodically sweeps through all pages, reclaiming unused, clearing use bit
  • Nth chance: not recently used
    • Count number of sweeps since last use, reclaim page once count reaches N

3 Memory-Mapped Files

  • Explicit read/write system calls
    • Data copied to user process using system call
    • Application operates on data
    • Data copied back to kernel using system call
  • Memory-mapped files
    • Open file as a memory segment
    • Program uses load/store instructions on segment memory, implicitly operating on the file
    • Page fault if portion of file is not yet in memory
    • Kernel brings missing blocks into memory, resumes process
  • Advantages
    • Programming simplicity, especially for large files
      • Operate directly on file, instead of copy in/copy out
    • Pipelining
      • Process can start working before all the pages are populated
    • Interprocess communication
    • Shared memory segment will be more efficient than a shared temporary file

Linux system calls:

void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
int munmap(void *addr, size_t length);
  • Memory-mapped file is a (logical) segment
    • Per segment access control (read-only, read-write)
  • File pages brought in on demand
    • Using page fault handler
  • Modifications written back to disk on eviction, file close
    • Using per-page dirty bit to determine if writing is necessary



Could end up caching a valid entry in TLB before modifying page table


Could miss a modification to the still-valid page


LRU is as good as MIN


FIFO and LRU are pessimal, most-recently-used is optimal