CS 332 w22 — Paging: Smaller Tables

Table of Contents

1 Multi-level Translation

Problem: a single page table with an entry for each virtual page in the address space would use way too much memory.

Solution: multiple page table arranged in a hierarchy!

  • Tree of translation tables
    • Paged segmentation
    • Multi-level page tables
    • Multi-level paged segmentation
  • Fixed-size page as lowest level unit of allocation
  • Benefits
    • Efficient memory allocation (compared to segments)
    • Efficient for sparse addresses (compared to paging)
    • Easier to build translation lookaside buffers (Friday's class)
    • Variable granularity for protection/sharing

1.1 Paged Segmentation

  • Process memory is segmented
  • Segment table entry:
    • Pointer to page table
    • Page table length (# of pages in segment)
    • Access permissions
  • Page table entry:
    • Page frame
    • Access permissions
  • Share/protection at either page or segment-level
    • Coarse-grained/fine-grained sharing
  • Reduces the size of page tables by limited them to just the valid segment regions


1.2 Multi-level Paging

  • Multiple levels of page tables
    • Entries in the lowest table refer to physical pages
    • Entries in the higher tables refer to lower page tables
  • Only entries in the top-level table need to be filled in
    • Lower levels only allocated if those parts of the addresses space are used
  • Access permissions at each level facilitate fine-grained sharing


With a 32-bit virtual address space and 4 KB pages, a 1-level page table would have \(2^{20}\) PTEs (4 KB page means a 12-bit offset, leaving 20 bits for the virtual page number, meaning \(2^{20}\) virtual pages and a PTE for each one). With 4 GB of physical memory, we'd have \(2^{20}\) physical pages, and thus each PTE would have 20 bits for the physical page number, a valid bit, 3 permission bits, and possibly more. So at least 3 bytes per PTE means we need at least 3 MB for the page table. And that's per-process!

If the process is only using 8 MB of virtual memory (\(2^{11}\) pages), this is a big waste and an outrageous overhead. Moving to 2 levels of page tables (or a page directory and a page table, as the reading calls them) means we split our $220 PTEs into two parts. The level 1 table (page directory) has \(2^{10}\) entries, each of which corresponds to a range of \(2^{10}\) virtual pages. If (and only if) the level 1 table has a non-null entry will we have a level 2 page table with an entry for each of the \(2^{10}\) virtual pages.

If our 8 MB of virtual memory is spread across 4 2MB-regions (\(2^9\) contiguous pages each), then we will have \(2^{10}\) entries in the level 1 table, and 4 level 2 tables each with \(2^{10}\) entries. So our overhead has come down from 3 MB to 15 KB—pretty good!

1.3 Pros and Cons

  • Pros:
    • Allocate/fill only page table entries that are in use
    • Simple memory allocation
    • Share at the segment or page level
  • Cons:
    • Space overhead: one pointer per virtual page
    • But multi-level tables have made it manageable
      • Two (or more) lookups per memory reference—way too slow!

2 Lab 4 Guidance

  • in osv, a memregion is the same idea as the segments we have been talking about
    • has a start and an end that define the range of virtual addresses in the region
    • regions are not used as part of address translation
  • osv uses multi-level page tables for address translation
    • this process is already implemented in its entirety (otherwise accessing memory just wouldn't work)
    • the main way you will interact with it is to use vpmap_map to add an entry to a page table
    • vpmap is osv's name for a page table
  • each process struct has an address space (struct addrspace) inside it
    • each struct addrspace has
      • a page table (struct vpmap *vpmap)
      • a list of memory regions (List regions)
        • you can use as_find_memregion to determine what region, if any, a particular address is in
      • a pointer to the heap region (so sys_sbrk can easily know which region to modify)

3 Reading: Paging: Smaller Tables

Read OSTEP chapter 20 about strategies to make page tables smaller. It provides a more thorough introduction to multi-level paging with some good examples.