CS 332 w22 — Unix Process API

Table of Contents

1 Starting a New Process

To start a new process the kernel must

  • allocate and initialize the process control block (PCB)
  • allocate memory for the process
  • copy the program from disk into the newly allocated memory
  • allocate a user-level stack for user-level execution
  • allocate a kernel-level stack for handling system calls, interrupts, and processor exceptions

To actually start the process running, the kernel has to take care of two other tasks:

  • copy arguments into user memory
    • for example, when you click on a file icon in MacOS or Windows, the window manager (GUI component) asks the kernel to start the application associated with that file
    • the kernel then copies the file name into a speical region of memory in the new process
      • by convention, arguments are copied to the base of the user-level stack
  • transfer control to user mode
    • most operating systems don't have special-case code for transferring to a new user process
    • instead, the initial values for the processor state are pushed on the kernel stack
    • then, the OS "returns" from the interrupt handler to the start of the new process

1.1 Windows

  • the Windows approach to process management is to add a system call to create a process
    • unsurprisingly called CreateProcess
    • turns out to be simple in theory and complex in practice, see the example call below
// Start the child process
if (!CreateProcess(NULL,   // No module name (use command line)
    argv[1],        // Command line
    NULL,           // Process handle not inheritable
    NULL,           // Thread handle not inheritable
    FALSE,          // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
    0,              // No creation flags
    NULL,           // Use parent's environment block
    NULL,           // Use parent's starting directory 
    &si,            // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
    &pi )           // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure

1.2 Unix

  • Unix takes a different approach, splitting CreateProcess into two steps, fork and exec
    • complex in theory, simple in practice
    • fork creates a complete copy of the parent process, with one key exception to differentiate the parent and child
      • the child sets up privileges, priorities, and I/O for the new program
    • exec brings a new executable into memory and starts it running
  • with this design, fork takes no arguments and returns an integer, and exec takes two arguments (the name of the program to run and an array of arguments to pass to it)
    • in place of the ten parameters for CreateProcess
    • a testament to the strength of the design: has remained largely unchanged since Unix was designed in the early 1970s


1.3 Reading: Process API

Read Chapter 5 (p. 41–51) of the OSTEP book. It goes over fork, exec, and the related system call wait in more depth. Make sure you understand the example code—you can download it here if you want to play around with it yourself.

1.3.1 Quick Checks

  • How many times does fork return and to where?1
  • Why doesn't exec return?2
  • Why is the observed behavior when a process calls fork nondeterministic? What's one way to make it deterministic?3

1.4 Making Process Creation Faster

  • The semantics of fork say the child's address space is a copy of the parent's
  • Implementing fork that way is slow
    • Have to allocate physical memory for the new address space
    • Have to set up child's page tables to map new address space
    • Have to copy parent's address space contents into child's address space
      • Which you are likely to immediately overwrite with an exec

1.4.1 Method 1: vfork

  • vfork is the older (now uncommon) of the two approaches we'll cover
  • Instead of child's address space is a copy of the parent's, the semantics are child's address space is the parent's
    • With a promise that the child won't modify the address space before doing an execve
      • Unenforced! You use vfork at your own peril
    • When execve is called, a new address space is created and it's loaded with the new executable
    • Parent is blocked until execve is executed by child
    • Saves wasted effort of duplicating parent's address space, just to overwrite it

1.4.2 Method 2: copy-on-write

  • Retains the original semantics, but copies only what is necessary rather than the entire address space
  • On fork:
    • Create a new address space
    • Initialize virtual memory with same mappings as the parent's (i.e., they both point to the same physical memory)
      • No copying of address space contents have occurred at this point — with the sole exception of the top region of the stack
    • Set both parent and child virtual memory to make all pages read-only
    • If either parent or child writes to memory, an exception occurs
    • When exception occurs, OS copies the page, adjusts the permission, etc.

2 wait and exit

  • The wait UNIX system call (pid_t wait(int *wstatus)) enables a parent process to block until a child process exits
  • The exit UNIX system call (void exit(int status)) terminates the running process and sets its exit status
    • An exit status is an integer that can be used to indicate is a program finished successfully (or with an error)
    • By convention, an exit code of 0 means success, anything else indicates a problem
    • For example, the man page of ls contains

      Exit status:
          0      if OK,
          1      if minor problems (e.g., cannot access subdirectory),
          2      if serious trouble (e.g., cannot access command-line argument).
      • This means that the ls program calls exit(0) is things went ok, or exit(1) or exit(2) is things did not
  • wait can retrieve the exit status and store it using the pointer the caller passed in
    • This way, a parent process can check on the exit status of a child process
    • wait will wait for any child process to exit, and returns the pid of whatever process it actually wait on
  • A parent can wait for a specific child using pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *wstatus, int options) (run man 2 wait to access documentation)
  • osv provides a single wait: int wait(int pid, int *wstatus) (you will implement this, along with fork and exit, in lab 2)

3 Inter-process communication (IPC)

  • Processes provide isolation (protection) — great!
  • But sometimes you want processes to communicate / cooperate
  • How can one process provide input to another?
    1. command line arguments (argv values)
      • available only to parent process
    2. communicate through files
      • one writes and the other reads
    3. optimize that: pipes

      • use memory buffers, not files


      • this works only if the processes are related (usually siblings)
        • the same code needs to set up this communication channel on each end, meaning the communicating processes typically have to be forked from the same parent process


    4. named pipes
      • like pipes, except that unrelated processes can use them
        • need a namespace
          • use file system names
      • man 3 mkfifo
    5. named shared memory regions
      • shm_open() followed by mmap()
      • cut out the middle man
    6. sockets / Internet protocols
      • robust — prepared to communicate using a heavyweight middle man!
      • optimized when endpoints are on the same machine

3.1 IPC: signals

  • Processes can register event handlers
    • use sigaction() to do this in Linux
  • When the event occurs, process jumps to event handler routine
  • Used to catch exceptions
    • signal generated by the OS
    • gives the application a chance to do something other than the default response to the exception
  • Also used for inter-process (process-to-process) communication (IPC)
    • signal is generated by another process
    • send signal using kill (man 2 kill)
    • only argument of the communication is a single int, the signal number
Signal Value Default Action Comment
SIGHUP 1 Terminate Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process
SIGINT 2 Terminate Interrupt from keyboard
SIGQUIT 3 Terminate (core dump) Quit from keyboard
SIGILL 4 Terminate (core dump) Illegal Instruction
SIGABRT 6 Terminate (core dump) Abort signal from abort(3)
SIGFPE 8 Terminate (core dump) Floating point exception
SIGKILL 9 Terminate Kill signal
SIGSEGV 11 Terminate (core dump) Invalid memory reference
SIGPIPE 13 Terminate Broken pipe: write to pipe with no read
SIGALRM 14 Terminate Timer signal from alarm(2)
SIGTERM 15 Terminate Termination signal
SIGUSR1 30,10,16 Terminate User-defined signal 1
SIGUSR2 31,12,17 Terminate User-defined signal 2
SIGCHLD 20,17,18 Ignore Child stopped or terminated
SIGCONT 19,18,25   Continue if stopped
SIGSTOP 17,19,23 Stop Stop process
SIGTSTP 18,20,24 Stop Stop typed at tty
SIGTTIN 21,21,26 Stop tty input for background process
SIGTTOU 22,22,27 Stop tty output for background process

3.1.1 Example use

  • You're implementing Apache, a web server
  • Apache reads a configuration file when it is launched
    • Controls things like what the root directory of the web files is, what permissions there are on pieces of it, etc.
  • Suppose you want to change the configuration while Apache is running
    • If you restart the currently running Apache, you drop some unknown number of user connections
  • Solution: send the running Apache process a signal
    • It has registered an signal handler that gracefully re-reads the configuration file

4 Unix Shells

  • Shells are just user-level programs
  • They're mainly oriented towards launching other programs
    • Using fork() / exec()
  • They typically have few built-in commands
    • ls, cat, etc. are executables, opaque to the shell
    • (What must be built in?)
  • Shells usually offer ways to build shell scripts
    • E.g., some looping construct
    • You can view everything you type into a shell as a program that is being simultaneously created and executed

4.1 Basic Operation

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    while (1) {
        printf ("$ ");
        char *cmd = get_next_command();
        int pid = fork();
        if (pid == 0) {
            panic("exec failed!");
        } else {

4.2 Jobs / Redirection

  • Shells usually offer ways to make jobs — assemblages of executions
    • ls | grep *.c | less
    • pushd sub && make && popd
    • pushd sub; make; popd
  • One way the shell helps you compose jobs is by input-output redirection
    • You can make the output of one program the input of another, without ever writing to a file

4.2.1 Input/output redirection

  • $ ./myprog < input.txt > output.txt
    • each process has an open file table
    • by (universal) convention:
      • 0: stdin
      • 1: stdout
      • 2: stderr
  • A child process inherits the parent's open file table
  • Redirection: the shell…
    • copies its current stdin/stdout open file entries
    • opens input.txt as stdin and output.txt as stdout
    • forks
    • restores original stdin/stdout



fork returns twice, once in the parent process and once in the child process. It returns the child's PID to the parent and returns 0 to the child.


exec replaces the instructions of the current process with another program, so it wouldn't make sense to return to where exec was called


Because the OS can decide to run either the child or the parent first after a fork. Having the parent call wait blocks it until the child terminates, making behavior deterministic.