after time, use back page to answer
how is the course going for you, 1–5
what is one thing Aaron could do differently to improve your learning
what is one thing that Aaron should keep doing that helps your learning
prisoner2.py and prisoner3.py
def strat(my_history, other_history)
how would strat check if its opponent defected last round?
what if this is the first round?
how would strat check if its opponent defected in any of the last three rounds?
Functions as data
max(history1, history2)
how to compare?
can pass max a function that it will use as criteria
def history_length(history): return history.get_length() max(history1, history2, key=history_length)
def make_rounder(digits): def new_round(num): return round(num, digits) return new_round
round3 = make_rounder(3) print(round3(3.1416)) # prints 3.142