* How to get started with Problem 3
* Questions
* Go over code from quiz question 4
V Scrabble bingo
V data: words in the dictionary and letters on tiles
* go through each word in the dictionary, check if it can be made with the tiles
* annoying to have a separate variable for each letter, impossible to have one for each word
* need to way to group a bunch of related data together!
V Python gives us the list
V think of it as a slot in memory with its own numbered slots inside
V tiles = ["D", "O", "B", "Y", "E", "G", "O"]
V print(tiles[0])
* D
V print(tiles[6])
* O
V print(tiles[7])
* IndexError
V print(tiles[-2])
* G
V lists can be modified
* tiles[2] = "L"
print(tiles) # prints ["D", "O", "L", "Y", "E", "G", "O"]
V We still need a way to avoid a separate line of code for each possible word
* Examine our sequence of copy-pasted code—what changes each time?
* We need a structure that repeats the same thing over-and-over, except changing one thing each time: for loop
V for <loop variable> in <sequence>:
<indented loop body>
* for word in words:
# check if tiles can make word
V quick check: given a variable nums that stores a list, write a for loop that prints out each element of the list
* for num in nums:
V import sys
words = ["bogeyed", "goodbyes", "goodbye", "phantasmagorical"]
tiles = ["D", "O", "B", "Y", "E", "G", "O"]

for word in words:
check = tiles.copy()
for letter in word:
if letter in check:
if len(check) == 0 and len(word) == len(tiles):
print("The Scrabble tiles", tiles, "can be played as a bingo:", word)

print("The Scrabble tiles", tiles, "cannot be played as a bingo")
* strings are sequences just like lists, so we can loop over each letter with for letter in word
* use the in keyword to get True or False for a value being present in a sequence
* len is a function that takes a sequence and returns the number of elements in that sequence