CS 111 f21 — Slicing
1 Recap
- notional machine
- arithmetic, cpu
- assignment, labels in memory
- print, send data to screen
- functions, separate definition and execution
- call, pass arguments to function execution, move instruction pointer
- return, send data to program that called the function, move instruction pointer
- scope, data stays within the function (except for aliases of mutable data)
- conditionals, control instruction pointer
- Boolean values
- Boolean operators
- loops, iteration
- for, definite
- while, indefinite
- sequences
- lists
- strings
- tuples
- indexing
- len
- range
- today: slicing
2 Poll
What is printed?1
def foo(vals): result = [] for i in range(1, len(vals) - 1): result.append(vals[i]) return result v = [0, 2, 4, 6, 0] print(foo(v))
3 Slicing
- returns a new sequence with the elements from a portion of an existing sequence
- uses the form
- like
, has a start, end, and step size - also like
, we can leave one or more of these out and Python will use a default valuestart:end:step
[:] to copy
- like
3.1 Poll
- What slice performs the same operation as
3.2 Practice
fruits = ["Apple","Banana","Blueberry","Cherry"] # last two elements print(fruits[-2:]) # middle two print(fruits[1:3]) # first and third print(fruits[:3:2]) # reversed print(fruits[3::-1])
3.3 Special Cases
3.3.1 Empty Slice
When you can't get from start
to end
with the given step
, the result is an empty list, []
3.3.2 Past the End
When a slice would go past the end of the list, the slice works as normal through the end of the list
3.3.3 Everything is Backwards for Negative Slices
3.4 Slicing Strings
Slicing can be applied to any sequence, not just lists. Write code that reverses each half of a string separately and replaces the existing string with the reversed halves combined. If we start with
s = "fly, you fools!"
then at the end, print(s)
should display oy ,ylf!sloof u
s = "fly, you fools!" s = s[len(s) // 2 - 1::-1] + s[len(s):len(s) // 2 - 1:-1]
Unlike going through the end of the list, we don't have a way to specify "go through the beginning" (0 leaves out the first element, -1 refers to the end), so the only way to achieve it is to omit it.