CS 111 f21 — Useful Python Stuff
1 Format Strings
- useful way to produce nicely-formatted text output
- use
to indicate a hole to be filled in - then use
method on that string to provide the values to fill in
x = 10 y = 4 # two clunky ways to get the spacing right print("Location: (", x, ", ", y, ")", sep="") print("Location: (" + str(x) + ", " + str(y) + ")") # using format string print("Location: ({}, {})".format(x, y))
- can do all sorts of handy things like control the number of decimal places, convert to a percentage, and add commas to separate thousands
points = 19 total = 22 print("score:", points/total) print("score: {:.4f}".format(points/total)) print("score: {:.2%}".format(points/total)) print("{:,}".format(1234567890))
- they can also align output (see
for more examples—I used format strings to produce the table of results for the--log
print('{:<30}'.format('left aligned')) print('{:>30}'.format('right aligned')) print('{:^30}'.format('centered')) print('{:*^30}'.format('centered')) # use '*' as a fill char
- format strings can even access arguments attributes or elements
p = Point(3, 8) print("p is a Point at ({0.x}, {0.y})".format(p)) nums = [4,2,5,7] print("{0[0]} is the first elements and {0[-1]} is the last".format(nums))
2 Multiplying a Sequence
- multiplying a sequence by an integer produces a new sequence with the original duplicated that number of times
v = [2,4,6] s = "*" print(v*3) print(s*50)
3 Multiple Assignment
- Python allows multiple assignments as part of a single statement
- the value on the right of the
must be a sequence with elements that can be matched up with each variable name on the left
nums = [0, 2, 4] x, y, z, = nums print(x) print(y) print(z)
- makes it easy to have a function that returns multiple values
def f(x): return (x*2, x*3) a, b = f(5) print(a, b)
- we can also have a
loop with multiple loop variables
d = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3} for key, value in d.items(): print(key, "has a value of", value)
4 Conditional Expressions
- Python lets us write an expression that can have one of two values depending on a condition
if count == steps: count = 0 else: count += 1
count = 0 if count == steps else count + 1
5 List Comprehensions
- a single expression that generates a new sequence from an existing sequence
import random r = [random.random() for i in range(10000)]
- can incorporate conditional expressions to filter the sequence
For example, this function takes a list of strings, maps the string method capitalize to the elements, and returns a new list of strings:
def capitalize_all(t): res = [] for s in t: res.append(s.capitalize()) return res def capitalize_all(t): return [s.capitalize() for s in t]
For example, this function selects only the elements of t that are upper case, and returns a new list:
def only_upper(t): res = [] for s in t: if s.isupper(): res.append(s) return res def only_upper(t): return [s for s in t if s.isupper()]