CS 111 f21 — Better Living Through Functions and Conditionals

Table of Contents

1 Review

  • What will this code print1

    from math import sqrt
    sqrt = sqrt(81)
    print("sqrt =", sqrt(sqrt))
  • Order the following lines to correctly print the area of a circle with radius r2

    print("The area of the circle is", area)
    area = math.pi * r**2
    import math
    r = 7.5
  • Consider the documentation for math.pow:

    math.pow(x, y):

    Return x raised to the power y.

    How would be change the above code to use math.pow instead of **?3

2 Fuctions!

  • Returning to the get_cur_temp() mystery
    • Called a function (doesn't mean what that means in math class)
    • Separates definition and execution
  • Why should Current Temperature Inc. have all the fun? Let's make our own function!
    • F_to_C function

      def F_to_C(temp_F):
          return (temp_F - 32) * 5 / 9
  • All function definitions start out the same way (name, parameters, colon)

    def my_function_name(parameter1, parameter2, ...):
        # the steps inside the function are indented
    # the first unindented line marks the end of the steps of the function
    • Function names follow the same rules as variable names
  • The function definition determines the number of parameters and the labels they get inside the function
  • return is a special Python instruction that we use inside functions
    • It causes the function to end (i.e., nothing else inside the function will happen once it gets to return
    • It set the value the function call will have
  • Using a function looks like:

    my_function_name(parameter1_value, parameter2_value, ...)
    • This is a function call
    • The result of the function call, the value it will have, is determined by what the function returns
  • Aaron's function manifesto
    • A function should only operate on its parameters or variables defined inside the function (never other variables)
    • Always return a result at the end
  • Class discussion: why might we want to use functions?

3 Quick Check

Define a function that takes the radius and returns the area of a circle, use the function to print the area of a circle of radius 104

4 Decision Time

  • Since the start of the term we've been talking about having a computer make a decision based on some condition (e.g., decide what weather icon to display)
  • We can do this with Python's if

        print("this is only printed when CONDITION is True")
    print("this is always printed")
  • We can use if-else to cause the computer to take one of two different paths

        print("this is only printed when CONDITION is True")
        print("this is only printed when CONDITION is False")
    print("this is always printed")
  • Boolean expressions
    • A kind of "math" (CPU opeartion) that results in either True or False
    • Relational operators:
      • less than (<), less than or equal to (<=)
      • greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=)
      • equal (==), easy to confuse with assignment (=)
      • not equal (!=)
  • Making the text red when the temperature is hot:

    from temperature import get_cur_temp
    def F_to_C(temp_F):
        return (temp_F - 32) * 5 / 9
    # get data
    cur_temp = get_cur_temp()
    hot_temp = 80
    # convert to Celsius
    hot_temp_C = F_to_C(hot_temp)
    # output temperature
    if cur_temp > hot_temp_C:
        # printing red text from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21786287
        print("The current temperature is\x1b[1;31;40m", cur_temp, "\x1b[0mdegrees Celsius")
        print("The current temperature is", cur_temp, "degrees Celsius")
  • What if we want the text to have more than settings (normal, yellow, red)?
    • Could do something like

      if cur_temp > hot_temp_C:
          # print in red
          if cur_temp > hot_temp_C - 5:
             # print in yellow
             # print normally

      but this would quickly get cumbersome with tons of indenting as the number of different outcomes grew

  • Instead, we can use if-elif-else

    if cur_temp > hot_temp_C:
        # print in red
    elif cur_temp > hot_temp_C - 5:
        # print in yellow
        # print normally
  • What if we had multiple conditions?

    if cur_temp > hot_temp_C:
        if chance_of_rain > 0.4:
            # display text in red with cloudy icon
        elif chance_of_clouds > 0.5:
            # display text in red with cloudy icon
       # ...
    • We can use and and or to combine several Boolean expressions into a single condition

      if cur_temp > hot_temp_C and (chance_of_rain > 0.4 or chance_of_clouds > 0.5):
          # display text in red with cloudy icon
          # ...
      • A and B will be True when both A and B are True
      • A or B will be True when either A or B is True
        • Also when both A and B are True

5 Practice

Write an absolute value function: takes one number as a parameter, returns the positive version of that number (hint: if x is negative, -x is the positive version).5



There will be an error on the third line: TypeError: 'float' object is not callable. This is because line 2 replaces the sqrt function we imported from math with the number 9.0.

import math
r = 7.5
area = math.pi * r**2
print("The area of the circle is", area)
area = math.pi * math.pow(r, 2)
import math
def circle_area(radius):
    area = math.pi * radius**2
    return area
print("Area of a circle with radius 10 is", circle_area(10))
def abs(x):
    if x < 0:
        return -x
        return x