Primitive vs. Reference Data Types in Java

Table of Contents

For an in-depth look at how this works in Python, see

1 Primitives vs. References

  • primitive types are the basic types of data
    • primitive variables store primitive values
  • reference types are any instantiable class as well as arrays
    • String, Scanner, Random, Ratio, int[], String[], etc.
    • reference variables store addresses

2 Assignment

  • copies the contents of RHS variable into LHS variable
    • primitives: the primitive value is copied
    • references: the address is copied
  • implications: for references the object is not copied, it is shared (reference variables are aliases)

3 Comparisons (e.g., ==)

  • compares the contents of the variables
    • primitives: the primitive values are compared
    • references: the addresses are compared
  • implications: for references the contents of the objects are not compared

4 Passing Parameters

  • terminology (not universal, but what I like to use and find helpful):
    • parameter: the variable that is listed (along with its type) in the method declaration
    • argument: the value that is given when the method is called
  • copies the contents of actual parameter into the formal parameter (i.e., pass-by-value)
    • primitives: the primitive value is copied
    • references: the address is copied
  • implications: for references the object is not copied, it is shared (i.e., actual parameter and formal parameter are aliases)
  • primitives: changing the formal parameter's value doesn't affect the actual parameter's value
  • references: changing the formal parameter's address doesn't affect the actual parameter's address but changing the formal parameter's object does change the actual parameter's object since they refer to the same object

5 Returning Values

  • returns a result to where the method was called
    • primitives: the primitive value is returned
    • references: the address is returned
  • recall: local variables and parameters are destroyed when the method finishes execution
  • implications: a locally created object can survive if it is returned or if it is stored in a data member

Courtesy of Timothy Bahls