CS 208 s21 — Parallelism and Concurrency

1 Video

Here is a video lecture for the material outlined below. It contains sections on

  1. Definitions (0:00)
  2. Why Parallelism? (1:55)
  3. Limits of Parallelism (7:17)
  4. Threads (9:52)
  5. Instruction-Level Parallelism (17:34)
  6. Why Concurrency? (21:36)
  7. Synchronization (26:54)

The Panopto viewer has table of contents entries for these sections. Link to the Panopto viewer: https://carleton.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=6af81424-7cdc-465a-ac6a-ac72013d81bd

2 Definitions

  • concurrent computing: when the execution of multiple computations (or processes) overlap
    • we need to correctly control access to shared resources
  • parallel computing: when the execution of multiple computations (or processes) occur simultaneously
    • using additional resources to produce an answer faster
  • concurrency primarily about effective coordination, parallelism primarily about efficient division of labor

3 Why Parallelism?


  • running into physical limits:
    • power densities over time roughly constant from 1958 to late 1990s
      • grow rapidly starting in late 1990s
    • Since 2000, transistors too small to shrink further (just a few molecules thick)
  • heat death
    • power scales with frequency
    • processors stopped around 4 GHz


  • solution: slap multiple processors on a single chip
    • continues the trend of more and more transitors, but…
    • requires new programming approach


  • First ARM processor created by Acorn Computers in 1985 for the BBC Micro computer vs Apple's recently announced M1 processor (also an ARM processor)
    • ARM is an alternative processor architecture to the x86 architecture we've studied
  • The M1 is over twice as large physically as the ARM1. It has 16 billion transistors vs 25,000 for the ARM1
  • The ARM1 processor ran at 6 megahertz, while the M1 runs at 3.2 gigahertz, over 500 times faster
  • While the ARM1 was a single processor, the M1 has 4 high-performance CPU cores, 4 efficiency CPU cores, a 16-core neural engine, and 8-core GPU
  • Looking at the ARM1 die, you see functional blocks such as 100 bytes of registers and a basic 32-bit ALU. On the M1 die, similar-sized functional blocks are a 12-megabyte cache and a complete 64-bit CPU core.
    • ALU = Arithmetic Logic Unit, the part of the processor that performs arithmetic


4 Limits of Parallelism

  • is it faster to pick up a deck of cards with two people instead of 1?
    • how about 100 instead of 50?
  • there are a finite number of independent tasks, putting a limit on how much can be parallelized
  • some tasks need to wait on others, making them inherently sequential
  • the amount of speedup that can be achieved through parallelism is limited by the non-parallel portion

5 Threads

  • previously, we defined a process as an instance of a running program
  • a thread is a single execution sequence that represents the minimal unit of scheduling
    • one process may contain multiple threads
  • four reasons to use threads:
    • program structure: expressing logically concurrent tasks
      • each thing a process is doing gets its own thread (e.g., drawing the UI, handling user input, fetching network data)
    • responsiveness: shifting work to run in the background
      • we want an application to continue responding to input in the middle of an operation
      • when saving a file, write contents to a buffer and return control, leaving a background thread to actually write it to disk
    • performance: exploiting multiple processors
    • performance: managing I/O devices

5.1 Hardware Support for Multithreading

  • two copies of PC and Registers inside processor hardware:


  • looks like two processors to software
  • control logic decides which thread to execute an instruction from next

5.2 Threading Models

  • POSIX Threads (pthread)
    • #include <pthread.h>, low-level interface giving fine-grained control
  • Fork-Join model (OpenMP)
    • #include <omp.h>, higher-level interface for fork-join approach
    • pthreads can do fork-join manually


6 Instruction-Level Parallelism

  • steps to execute the next x86-64 instruction:
    1. fetch the instruction 400540: 48 01 fe
    2. decode the instruction addq %rdi, %rsi
    3. gather data values read R[%rdi], R[%rsi]
    4. perform operation calc R[%rdi] + R[%rsi]
    5. store result save into %rsi
  • each of these steps is roughly associated with a part of the processor
    • each part can work independently

6.1 By Analogy to Doing Laundry

  • washer, dryer, folding, and putting away all take 30 minutes
    • full task takes 2 hours
  • four people doing laundry in sequence takes 8 hours
    • but the washer and dryer sit idle for 1.5 hours at a time
  • we can start the second load as soon as the first load is done with the washer
    • pipelined laundry takes 3.5 hours for 4 loads
  • does not improve the latency of a single load (still takes 2 hours), but improves throughput
  • processors pipeline instruction execution steps in a similar way



7 Why Concurrency?

  • a multi-threaded program's execution depends on how instructions are interleaved
  • threads sharing data may be affected by race conditions (or data races)
Thread A Thread B
x = 1 x = 2
  • What are the final possible values of x? Result depends on which thread "wins."
  • Suppose y=12 initially:
Thread A Thread B
x = y + 1 y = y * 2
  • What are the final possible values of x? Either 13 or 25 depending on which thread goes first
  • Suppose x = 0 initially:
Thread A Thread B
x = x + 1 x = x + 2
  • What are the final possible values of x? Remember that register values are preserved for each thread:
Interleaving 1   Interleaving 2   Interleaving 3  
load x into r1   load x into r1   load x into r1  
add 1 to r1     load x into r1   load x into r1
store r1 in x   add 1 to r1   add 1 to r1  
  load x into r1   add 2 to r1   add 2 to r1
  add 2 to r1 store r1 in x     store r1 in x
  store r1 in x   store r1 in x store r1 in x  
  • interleaving 1 results in x == 3
  • interleaving 2 results in x == 2
  • interleaving 3 results in x == 1

8 Synchronization

  • prevent bad interleavings of read/write operations by forcing threads to coordinate their accesses
    • identify critical section of code where only one thread should operate at a time
  • pseudocode:
check lock // loop/idle here if locked
acquire lock
CRITICAL SECTION (e.g., change shared variables)
release lock
  • problem:
Thread A Thread B
read lock (check)  
  read lock (check)
conditional jump  
  conditional jump
  write lock (acquire)
write lock (acquire)  
  • we need hardware support to make checking and acquiring the lock an atomic operation (impossible to interrupt)
  • we want to identify the minimal critical section to maintain parallelism