CS 208 s21 — Exceptions

1 Intro

1.1 Normal control flow

  • control flow is the successive transfer of control from one instruction to the next
    • each control transfer within this flow involves going from executing \(I_k\) at address \(a_k\) to instruction \(I_{k+1}\) at address \(a_{k+1}\)
    • \(I_k\) may be adjacent to \(I_{k+1}\) in memory, but instructions like jumps, calls, and returns can redirect to different regions of stored instructions

1.2 Exceptional control flow (ECF)

  • jumps, calls, and returns only react to internal program state, ECF allows all levels of the system to react to abrupt external changes
  • underlies mechanisms for I/O, processes, virtual memory
  • involved in how application interacts with the OS (system calls)
  • an important part of writing event-driven programs like Unix shells and web servers
  • basic building block for concurrency

2 Exceptions

  • partly hardware, partly software
    • thus, details vary by system (general ideas the same)
  • exception is abrupt change in control flow in response to change in processor state
    • change in state called an event
    • Java/Python exceptions are not the same, they react to program state and don't involve the hardware


  • indirect jump to exception handler procedure through exception table


2.1 Exception Handling

  • each possible exception assigned unique exception number
    • either by the processor designers or system kernel, depending on the type of exception
  • exception table initialized at boot
    • address store in special exception table base register
  • differences from a normal procedure call
    • return address pushed on the stack can be current or next instruction, depending on exception
    • other processor state pushed onto stack to facilitate restoring pre-expception context
    • may use the kernel's stack instead of user's
    • run in kernel mode, given full access to system resources

2.2 Classes of Exceptions

Class Cause Async/sync Return behavior
interrupt signal from I/O device async always return to next instruction
trap intentional exception sync always return to next instruction
fault potentially recoverable error sync might return to current instruction
abort nonrecoverable error sync never returns

2.2.1 Interrupts


  • asynchronous since exception arises from I/O rather than specific instruction
    • hitting ctrl-C, clicking the mouse, data arrives from the network, timer interrupt

2.2.2 Traps and System Calls


  • interface between user programs and kernel: the system call
  • request for services like reading a file, creating a new process, exiting current process
  • from the programmer's perspective appears like any other function call, implementation very different
  • returns to next instruction

2.2.3 Faults


  • page faults, segment protection faults, divide-by-zero
// page fault example
int a[1000];
int main() {
    a[500] = 13; // this portion of memory is currently only on disk
  • mov instruction interrupted while page fault handler loads corresponding page into memory
  • mov restarted afterwards
// seg fault example
int a[1000];
int main() {
    a[5000] = 13; // this refers to an invalid address
  • mov instruction interrupted while page fault handler detects invalid address
  • sends SIGSEGV signal to use process, causing it to exit in a seg fault
  • handler tries to correct, returns to current instruction if it can
  • otherwise returns to abort routine

2.2.4 Aborts


  • fatal errors, application terminated
    • hardware failure

2.3 Exceptions on Linux/x86-64 Systems

  • divide error: divide by 0 or result too big for destination, Unix opts to abort ("floating exceptions")
  • general protection fault: access to undefined area of virtual memory or attempt to write to read-only segment, no recovery
    • notorious "segmentation faults"
  • page fault: segment of memory must be loaded from disk into memory, instruction restarted
  • machine check: fatal hardware error, always aborts
  • C standard library provides wrappers for system calls (system level functions)