CS 208 s21 — Dynamic Memory Allocation: malloc and free

Table of Contents

1 Video

Here is a video lecture for the material outlined below. It covers CSPP section 9.9 through to 9.9.6 (p. 839–848). It contains sections on

  1. introduction, memory layout refresher (0:00)
  2. key questions (9:02)
  3. why dynamic memory allocation? (14:57)
  4. types of allocators (19:02)
  5. the malloc package (24:36)
  6. spreadsheet example (30:43)
  7. memory allocator requirements (36:28)
  8. memory allocator goals (39:49)
  9. fragmentation (44:04)
  10. allocator implementation issues (49:15)

The Panopto viewer has table of contents entries for these sections. Link to the Panopto viewer: https://carleton.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=7b62a760-8ea4-4ed7-8e75-ac59010dd3ae

2 Introduction

// static global data, size fixed at compile time, exists for the lifetime of the program
int array[1024]; 
void foo(int n) {
    // stack-allocated data, known lifetime (deallocated on return)
    int tmp;
    int local_array[n]; // some versions of C allow dynamically-sized stack allocation

    // dynamic (heap) data, size and lifetime known only at runtime
    int* dyn = (int*) malloc(n * sizeof(int));
    // good practices:
    //    sizeof makes code more portable
    //    void* is implicitly cast into any pointer type; explicit typecast will help you
    //      catch coding errors when pointer types don’t match

Two big questions we'll focus on for the next two weeks:

  1. how do we manage the scarce resource of physical memory while providing all processes as much virtual memory as they need?
    • implemented by the operating system kernel and hardware
  2. how do we handle malloc and free quickly and efficiently?
    • implemented by the C library

Lab 5 will task you with doing 2., so we will start there.

3 Dynamic Memory Allocation

We don't always know how much space we will need for certain data structures, etc. ahead of time. Hardcoded sizes everywhere can lead to problems and become a maintenance nightmare. Hence, we wany the ability to allocate memory as we go along (dynamically)

3.1 Type of Allocators

  • Allocator organizes heap as a collection of variable-sized blocks, which are either allocated or free
  • explicit allocators: require manual requests and frees (malloc package in C)
  • implicit allocators: unused blocks are automatically detected and freed (garbage collection)

3.1.1 malloc package

  • malloc does no initialization, use calloc to request zero-initialized memory
    • returns pointer to the beginning of allocated block, NULL indicates failed request
    • typically 16-byte aligned on x86-64
  • change the size of previously allocated block with realloc
  • underneath, allocation can use mmap and munmap or use the void *sbrk(intptr_t incr) function
    • sbrk grows or shrinks the heap by adding incr to the kernel's brk pointer, returns old value of brk


  • free takes a pointer to the beginning of a block previously allocated by malloc, calloc, or realloc
    • marks that memory as free and available for future allocations
    • behavior undefined on other arguments, no indication of error

3.3 Allocator Goals and Requirements

3.3.1 Requirements

  • handling arbitrary request sequences: cannot make any assumptions about the sequencing of allocate and free requests
  • making immediate responses to requests: no reordering or batching of requests to improve performance
  • using only the heap: allocator's internal data structures must also be stored on the heap
  • aligning blocks: blocks need to meet alignment requirements for any type of data they might hold
  • not modifying allocated blocks: cannot modify or move blocks when they are allocated

3.3.2 Goals

  1. maximizing throughput: maximize requests per second
  2. maximizing memory utilization: use the greatest possible fraction of the space allocated for the heap. Peak utilization metric is the maximum such fraction achieved over the course of n requests.
  3. these are in tension: respond to a request faster vs respond with a better choice of block

3.4 Fragmenataion

  • internal fragmentation: allocated block is larger than the amount requested (due to minimum block size or alignment requirements)


  • external fragmentation: when allocation/free pattern leaves "holes" between blocks
    • symptom: there is enough total free memory to satisfy a request, but no single free block is large enough
    • example: if final request on spreadsheet example were for 48 bytes
    • difficult to quantify as it depends on future requests

3.5 Implementation Issues

  • free block organization: how to keep track of them
  • placement: which free block should we choose to fulfill a request
  • splitting: what do we do with the remainder of a free block after part of it is allocated
  • coalescing: what do we do when a block is freed