CS 208 s21 — The Memory Hierarchy

Table of Contents

1 Video

Here is a video lecture for the material outlined below. It covers CSPP sections 6.1.1, 6.2, and 6.3 (p. 581–588, 604–614). It contains sections on

  1. processor-memory gap (0:36)
  2. problem: waiting for memory (3:12)
  3. program's view of memory (7:13)
  4. locality (9:18)
  5. memory hierarchy (13:55)
  6. SRAM vs DRAM (22:15)
  7. each level is a cache for the one below (27:30)
  8. basic example of caching (29:26)

The Panopto viewer has table of contents entries for these sections. Link to the Panopto viewer: https://carleton.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=f3735d2d-9aa4-4721-9070-ac59010d4064

2 CPU-Memory Bottleneck


  • processor speed has increased at a much faster rate than memory speed
  • this creates an increasing bottleneck when the CPU needs to access memory
    • the CPU wastes time waiting around


3 Program's View of Memory

  • from the program's perspective, there's
    • registers
    • memory
    • disk
    • (possibly) remote storage


  • however, we will add different levels of memory to make accessing some data much faster

4 Locality

  • first, the principle that enables adding new levels of memory to increase performance: locality
  • essentially: referencing data that was recently referenced or that is nearby recently referenced data
    • if we assume recently referenced data will be referenced again, it's worth it to do some extra work after the first reference to make future references much faster
  • temporal locality: a referenced memory location is likely to be referenced again in the near future
  • spatial locality: if a memory location is referenced, nearby locations are likely to be referenced in the near future
  • in general, programs with good locality run faster, as all levels of the system are designed to exploit locality
    • hardware cache memories, OS caching recently referenced chunks of virtual address space and disk blocks, web browsers caching recent documents

5 Caches!


  • 0 cycles to access a register (16×8 bytes)
  • 4–75 cycles to access a cache (~10 MB)
  • 100s to access main memory (GBs)
  • 10s of millions to access disk (TBs)


5.1 Aside: SRAM vs DRAM

5.1.1 Static RAM (SRAM)

  • bistable memory cell, 6 transitors per bit
    • stable in two states, any other state quickly moves into a stable one
    • resiliant to disturbance

5.1.2 Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

  • single transitor and capacitor per cell, can be very dense
  • sensitive to disturbance
  • drains on a timescale of 10 to 100 ms, must be refreshed (read and re-written)
    • error-correcting codes (extra bits associated with each word) can also be used

5.2 Basic Idea


5.2.1 Cache Hit


5.2.2 Cache Miss
