CS 208 s21 — The Process Model

1 Video

Here is a video lecture for part of the material outlined below. The entire outline covers CSPP sections 8.2–8.4 (p. 732–754).

Link to the Panopto viewer: https://carleton.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=9a85af12-c218-47ea-8927-ac700169cd3d

2 Processes

  • an instance of a program in execution
  • each process has the illusion of exclusive use of the processor and memory


2.1 Logical Control Flow

  • processes take turns using the processor
    • a process is temporarily suspended or preempted when other processes take their turns
  • this switching is hidden from the processes
    • only detectable through precise measurment of time between instructions




2.2 Concurrent Flows

  • process flows overlap
  • switching between concurrent processes is called multitasking or time slicing
  • independent of whether there are multiple processors
  • two processes running simultaneously on different processors are said to be running in parallel


2.3 Private Address Space

  • illusion of uniform layout of exclusive memory for each process

2.4 User and Kernel Modes

  • typically control via mode bit in some special register
  • kernel mode can execute any instruction, access any memory
  • user mode prevented from executing privilaged instructions or accessing the kernel area of memory
    • instead must operate indirectly through system calls
  • exception handlers run in kernel mode

2.5 Context Switches

  • kernel maintains the context for each process
    • everything needed to restart a preempted process
    • register values, instruction pointer, user's stack, and other data structures
  • kernel switches from one process to another via context switch: saving current process context and loading in a previously saved one for a different process
    • the decisions for doing these switches are collectively called scheduling
  • contexting switching often occurs when a process is waiting for I/O (e.g., disk read) or when an interrupt occurs


3 System Call Error Handling

  • good practice to always check for errors after making a system call
  • possible to define convenient wrapper functions that abstract the error checking

4 Process Control

4.1 Obtaining Process IDs

  • each process has a unique id (PID)
  • getpid returns PID of calling process, getppid returns PID of parent of calling process (i.e., process that created calling process)

4.2 Creating and Terminating Processes

  • a process is either running, stopped, or terminated
    • a stopped process is suspended until it receives a SIGCONT signal and resumes
    • a process is terminated by a signal, by returning from main, or by calling exit
      • exit takes an int determines the exit status of the process
      • exit status also set by the return value from main
      • exit status used to indicate whether a process completed successfully or ended in some kind of error state
  • a parent process creates a new child process by calling fork
    • child process get a separate copy of the parent's private address space and access to any file descriptors open when fork was called (differeny PIDs)
      • including code, child runs parent's code from the point of the fork call
    • fork is weird: called once, returns twice (in the parent and in the child)
      • returns child's PID to parent, returns 0 to child (providing a way for the code to check which process it is)
    • kernel free to interleave the execution of parent and child, meaning we can't assume anything about which will run first, etc.
    • multiple calls to fork can get very difficult to reason about

4.3 Reaping Child Processes

  • a terminated process persists until it is reaped by its parent
    • reaping passes the child's exit status to the parent
    • an un-reaped process is called a zombie
  • when a parent terminates, it's non-terminated child processes become children of the init process
    • inti reaps any zombie children
    • necessary for long-running processes like shells to reap children, as zombies still take up memory
  • a process waits for a child to terminate or stop by calling waitpid
    • by default it suspends calling process until a child process in its wait set terminates
    • returns immediately if a child has already terminated

4.3.1 Wait Set

  • waitpid takes pid arugment
    • if pid > 0, wait set is single process with that PID
    • if pid = -1, wait set is all child processes

4.3.2 Modifying Default Behavior

  • set options arugment to combinations (i.e., or-ing) of:
    • WNOHANG: return immediately with value 0 if no child process has terminated yet
    • WUNTRACED: wait for child process to terminate or stop
    • WCONTINUED: wait for child process to terminate or continue via SIGCONT signal

4.3.3 Checking the Exit Status of a Reaped Child

  • provide non-null pointer status argument, waitpid will store child's exit status as the value pointed to by status
  • wait.h provides macros for interpreting exit status

4.3.4 Error Conditions

  • waitpid returns -1 if there are no children or if it was interrupted

4.4 Putting Processes to Sleep

  • sleep stops process for a given number of seconds
  • pause stops process until it receives a signal

4.5 Loading and Running Programs

  • function execve runs and executable with an argument list and environment variable list
    • does not return unless there's an error



  • global variable environ also references environment variables
  • functions getenv, setenv, and unsetenv manipulate environment array

4.6 Using fork and execve

  • neat mini-shell example, p. 754-56