CS 208 w20 lecture 24 outline

1 Review

Using this diagram, fill in the steps for a page hit and a page fault:


  1. processor sends virtual address to MMU
  2. MMU requests page table entry (PTE) from page table in cache/memory
    • using page table base register (PTBR) to find beginning of page table for current process
  3. PTE sent to MMU
  4. MMU send physical address to cache/memory requesting data
  5. cache/memory sends data to processor


  1. processor sends virtual address to MMU
  2. MMU requests page table entry (PTE) from page table in cache/memory
  3. PTE sent to MMU
  4. valid bit is zero, MMU triggers page fault exception
  5. handler identifies page to evict
    • if modified (dirty) write out (page out) to disk
  6. handler loads (pages in) new page, updates PTE in memory
  7. handler returns to original process, restarting faulting instruction

2 Protection

  • want to enforce things like read-only code and kernel-only memory
  • page table permission bits natural way to do this
    • extend page table to include read/write/execute bits
    • MMU checks them on every memory access
    • if violated, raises exception and kernel sends SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) signal to process


2.1 Permissions Review

Section Read Write Execute
Stack 1 1 0
Heap 1 1 0
Static Data 1 1 0
Literals 1 0 0
Instructions 1 0 1

3 Improving Performance

3.1 Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)

  • MMU has to access memory twice: once to get the PTE, and again for the actual memory request
    • we can speed up address translation via a small cache of page table entries (called a translation lookaside buffer (TLB)
      • VPN split into tag and index for this cache
      • modern Intel processors have 128 or 256 entries in TLB



3.1.1 Bringing It All Together



  • Basic Parameters
    • \(N=2^n\) — Number of addresses in virtual address space
    • \(M=2^m\) — Number of addresses in physical address space
    • \(P=2^p\) — Page size (bytes)
  • Components of the virtual address (VA)
    • VPO — Virtual page offset
    • VPN — Virtual page number
    • TLBI — TLB index
    • TLBT — TLB tag
  • Components of the physical address (PA)
    • PPO — Physical page offset (same as VPO)
    • PPN — Physical page number

3.1.2 Extended Example

  • addressing:
    • 14-bit virtual addresses
    • 12-bit physical addresses
    • 64-byte pages
    • how will virtual and physical addresses be used?


  • page table
    • only showing first 16 entries (out of how many? one for every virtual page = \(2^{n-p} = 2^8 = 256\))
    • using 2 hex digits for PPN even though it's only 6 bits
    • other management bits not shown


  • translation lookaside buffer
    • 16 entries
    • 4-way associative
    • VPN split into TLB tag (TLBT) and TLB index (TLBI)


  • cache
    • direct-mapped with 4-byte blocks
    • total capacity of 64 bytes (16 blocks)
    • physically addressed
    • physical address split into cache tag (CT), cache index (CI) and cache offset (CO)
    • just a coincidence that PPN is the same width as the cache tag


Request VPN TLBT TLBI TLB hit? page fault? PPN CT CI CO cache hit? data (byte)
0x03d4 0x0f 0x03 3 yes no 0x0d 0x0d 5 0 yes 0x36
0x038f 0x0e 0x03 2 no yes - - - - - -
0x0020 0x00 0x00 0 no no 0x28 0x28 8 0 no -
0x036b 0x0d 0x03 1 yes no 0x2d 0x2d a 3 yes 0x3b