CS 332 w22 — Meltdown

Table of Contents

Adapted from Robert Morris. 6.S081: https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.S081/2020/schedule.html

1 Why Study Meltdown?

  • Security is a critical O/S goal
  • The kernel's main strategy: isolation
    • User/supervisor mode, page tables, defensive system calls, etc.
  • It's worth looking at examples of how things go wrong

2 Meltdown

  • a surprising and disturbing attack on user/kernel isolation
  • one of a number of recent "micro-architectural" attacks
    • exploiting hidden implementation details of CPUs
  • fixable, but people fear an open-ended supply of related surprises
  • Here's the core of the attack (in a C-like assembly psuedocode, where r1, r2, etc. represent registers):

    char buf[8192]
    r1 = <a kernel virtual address>
    r2 = *r1
    r2 = r2 & 1
    r2 = r2 * 4096
    r3 = buf[r2]
    • This will be executed from user code.
    • Will r2 end up holding data from the kernel?

2.1 Kernel Memory Mapped via User Page Table

  • Meltdown attack assumes the kernel is mapped in user page table, with PTE_U clear (i.e., would cause a fault if user tried to access that virtual address).
    • this was near universal until these attacks were discovered.
    • kernel in upper half (high bit set), user in lower half (starting at zero).
    • mapping both user and kernel makes system calls significantly faster.
      • no switched page tables
    • the point: *r1 is meaningful, even if forbidden.


2.2 Speculative Execution

  • So how can the above code possibly be useful to an attacker?
    • The answer has to do with a bunch of mostly-hidden CPU implementation details.
    • Speculative execution, and caches.
  • First, speculative execution.
    • This is not yet about security.
    • Imagine this ordinary code.
    • This is C-like code; r0 etc. are registers, and *r0 is a memory reference.

      r0 = <something>
      r1 = valid    // r1 is a register; valid is a value stored in RAM
      if(r1 == 1){
        r2 = *r0
        r3 = r2 + 1
      } else {
        r3 = 0
    • The r1 = valid may have to load from RAM, taking 100s of cycles.
    • The if(r1 == 1) needs that data.
    • It would be too bad if the CPU had to pause until the RAM fetch completed.
    • Instead, the CPU predicts which way the branch is likely to go, and continues executing.
    • This is called speculation.
    • So the CPU may execute the r2 = *r0 and then the r3 = r2 + 1.
  • What if the CPU mis-predicts a branch, e.g. r1 == 0?
    • It flushes the results of the incorrect speculation.
    • Specifically, the CPU reverts the content of r2 and r3.
    • And re-starts execution, in the else branch.
  • Speculative execution is a huge win for performance, since it lets the CPU obtain a lot of parallelism — overlap of slower operations (divide, memory load, etc.) with subsequent instructions.
  • What if the CPU speculatively executes the first part of the branch, and r0 holds an illegal pointer?
    • If valid == 1, the r2 = *r0 should raise an exception.
    • If valid == 0, the r2 = *r0 should not raise an exception, even though executed speculatively.
  • The CPU retires instructions only after it is sure they won't need to be canceled due to mis-speculation.
  • And the CPU retires instructions in order, only after all previous instructions have retired, since only then does it know that no previous instruction faulted.
  • Thus a fault by an instruction that was speculatively executed may not occur until a while after the instruction finishes.
  • Speculation is, in principle, invisible — part of the CPU implemention, but not part of the specification.
    • That is, speculation is intended to increase performance without changing the results that programs compute — to be transparent.
  • Some jargon:
    • Architectural features — things in the CPU manual, visible to programmers.
    • Micro-architectural — not in the manual, intended to be invisible.


2.3 Caches

Another micro-architectural feature: CPU caches.

L1: va | data | perms
L2: pa | data
  • If a load misses, data is fetched, and put into the cache.
  • L1 ("level one") cache is virtually indexed, for speed.
    • A system call leaves kernel data in L1 cache, after return to user space. (Assuming page table has both user and kernel mappings)
  • Each L1 entry probably contains a copy of the PTE permission bits.
  • On L1 miss: TLB lookup, L2 lookup with phys addr.
  • Times:
    • L1 hit – a few cycles.
    • L2 hit – a dozen or two cycles.
    • RAM – 300 cycles.
    • A cycle is 1/clockrate, e.g 0.5 nanosecond.
  • Why is it safe to have both kernel and user data in the cache?
    • Can user programs read kernel data directly out of the cache?
  • In real life, micro-architecture is not invisible.
    • It affects how long instructions and programs take.
    • It's of intense interest to people who write performance-critical code.
    • And to compiler writers.
    • Intel and other chip makers publish optimization guides, usually vague about details (trade secrets).

2.4 Flush + Reload: Determine if Data was in the Cache

  • A useful trick: sense whether something is cached.
    • This technique is called Flush+Reload.
    • You want to know if function f() uses the memory at a address X.
      1. ensure that memory at X is not cached. Intel CPUs have a clflush instructions. Or you could load enough junk memory to force everything else out of the cache.
      2. call f()
      3. Record the time. Modern CPUs let you read a cycle counter. For Intel CPUs, it's the rdtsc instruction.
      4. load a byte from address X (you need memory fences to ensure the load really happens)
      5. Record the time again.
      6. If the difference in times is < (say) 50, the load in #4 hit, which means f() must have used memory at address X. Otherwise not.

2.5 The Meltdown Attack

Back to Meltdown – this time with more detail:

char buf[8192]

// the Flush of Flush+Reload
clflush buf[0]
clflush buf[4096]

<some expensive instruction like divide>

r1 = <a kernel virtual address>
r2 = *r1
r2 = r2 & 1      // speculated
r2 = r2 * 4096   // speculated
r3 = buf[r2]     // speculated

<handle the page fault from "r2 = *r1">

// the Reload of Flush+Reload
a = rdtsc
r0 = buf[0]
b = rdtsc
r1 = buf[4096]
c = rdtsc
if b-a < c-b:
  low bit was probably a 0
  • That is, you can deduce the low bit of the kernel data based on which of two cache lines was loaded (buf[0] vs buf[4096]).
  • Point: the fault from r2 = *r1 is delayed until the load retires, which may take a while, giving time for the subsequent speculative instructions to execute.
  • Point: apparently the r2 = *r1 does the load, even though it's illegal, and puts the result into r2, though only temporarily since reverted by the fault at retirement.
  • Point: the r3 = buf[r2] loads some of buf[] into the cache, even though change to r3 is canceled due to mis-speculation. Since Intel views the cache content as hidden micro-architecture.
  • The attack often doesn't work
    • The conditions for success are not clear.
    • Perhaps reliable if kernel data is in L1, otherwise not.
  • How could Meltdown be used in a real-world attack?
    • The attacker needs to run their code on the victim machine.
    • Timesharing: kernel may have other users' secrets, e.g. passwords, keys.
      • In I/O or network buffers, or maybe kernel maps off of phys mem.
    • Cloud: some container and VMM systems might be vulnerable, so you could steal data from other cloud customers.
    • Your browser: it runs untrusted code in sandboxes, e.g. plug-ins, maybe a plug-in can steal your password from your kernel.
  • However, Meltdown is not known to have been used in any actual attack.

2.6 Defenses

  • A software fix:
    • Don't map the kernel in user page tables.
      • The paper calls this "KAISER"; Linux now calls it KPTI.
    • Requires a page table switch on each system call entry/exit.
    • The page table switch can be slow — it may require TLB flushes.
      • PCID can avoid TLB flush, though still some expense.
    • Most kernels adopted KAISER/KPTI soon after Meltdown was known.
  • A hardware fix:
    • Only return permitted data from speculative loads!
      • If PTE_U is clear, return zero, not the actual data.
    • This probably has little or no cost since apparently each L1 cache line contains a copy of the PTE_U bit from the PTE.
    • AMD CPUs apparently worked like this all along.
    • The latest Intel CPUs seem to do this (called RDCL_NO).
  • These defenses are deployed and are believed to work; but:
    • It was disturbing that page protections turned out to not be solid!
    • More micro-architectural surprises have been emerging.
    • Is the underlying issue just fixable bugs? Or an error in strategy?
    • Stay tuned, this is still playing out.

3 References

4 Reading: Meltdown: Reading Kernel Memory from User Space

If you want to learn more about Meltdown, read the paper from the folks who discovered it: Lipp, Moritz, et al. "Meltdown: Reading kernel memory from user space." 27th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 18). 2018.