Brief Introduction to Computer Systems

Table of Contents

1 Computer Memory

1.1 Bits & Bytes

  • In hardware, data is represented as binary bits (1 or 0)
    • A bit is the fundamental unit of data storage
  • These are grouped into 8-bit chunks called bytes
    • Naturally 4-bit chunks are called nybbles
  • Memory can be viewed as a big array of bytes
    • Each byte has a unique numical index (a memory address)
    • A pointer is just a memory address referring to the first byte of some quantity stored in memory

1.2 Storage Hierarchy


Cache reference ............................ 1-7 ns
Main memory reference ...................... 100 ns             
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy ............. 3,000 ns  =   3 µs
Send 2K bytes over 1 Gbps network ....... 20,000 ns  =  20 µs
SSD random read ........................ 150,000 ns  = 150 µs
Read 1 MB sequentially from memory ..... 250,000 ns  = 250 µs
Round trip within same datacenter ...... 500,000 ns  = 0.5 ms
Read 1 MB sequentially from SSD* ..... 1,000,000 ns  =   1 ms
HDD seek ............................ 10,000,000 ns  =  10 ms
Read 1 MB sequentially from HDD ..... 20,000,000 ns  =  20 ms
Send packet CA->Netherlands->CA .... 150,000,000 ns  = 150 ms

*Assuming ~1 GB/sec SSD

Multiply these times by 1 billion to put them in human terms


L1 cache reference                  0.5 s         One heart beat (0.5 s)
Branch mispredict                   5 s           Yawn
L2 cache reference                  7 s           Long yawn
Mutex lock/unlock                   25 s          Making a coffee


Main memory reference               100 s         Brushing your teeth
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy        50 min        One episode of a TV show (including ad breaks)


Send 2K bytes over 1 Gbps network   5.5 hr        From lunch to end of work day


SSD random read                     1.7 days      A normal weekend
Read 1 MB sequentially from memory  2.9 days      A long weekend
Round trip within same datacenter   5.8 days      A medium vacation
Read 1 MB sequentially from SSD    11.6 days      Waiting for almost 2 weeks for a delivery


Disk seek                           16.5 weeks    A semester in university
Read 1 MB sequentially from disk    7.8 months    Almost producing a new human being
The above 2 together                1 year


Send packet CA->Netherlands->CA     4.8 years     Average time it takes to complete a bachelor's degree

The takeaways from this are

  • Reading/writing to disk is expensive, so it must be managed carefully to avoid large stalls and performance degradation.
  • Random access on disk is usually much slower than sequential access, so the DBMS will want to maximize sequential access.

1.3 Caching

  • Within the memory hierarchy, the idea of a cache is to store part or all of the data a program is currently using in a place with faster access.
  • Caches generally operate on the principle of locality: when a particular piece of data is accessed, it's likely that same data (or data stored nearby) will be accessed again soon.
    • Thus, by caching a chunk of data in a place with faster access (i.e., copying it from a lower level in the hierarchy to a higher level), we speed up future operations
  • Faster storage is more expensive, however, so systems typically won't have enough to store all the data for a given program
  • When new data is brought into a full cache, the system must select some existing piece of data to remove or evict to make room
  • There are many different algorithms for deciding what data to evict—a common, simple approach is to evict the least-recently-used (LRU) data
    • This is called an LRU policy

2 Role of the Operating System

  • The operating system (OS) acts as an intermediary between programs and the underlying hardware
    • Windows, macOS, Linux are examples of operating systems
    • The OS also coordinates access to shared resources such as memory
  • Specifically, the system does not trust user applications to always behave correctly and non-maliciously
  • So the OS provides an interface (a.k.a an API) that programs use to ask the OS to perform operations/provide resources
    • These OS functions are called system calls
    • Programming language libraries typically implement functions/classes on top of the system calls
      • For example, Linux provides the read system call (man page) for reading from a file
      • The C libray implements fread (doc page), which on Linux usually involves calling read
      • Being object-oriented, C++ implements the fstream class (doc page)

2.1 Memory Management

  • There is a similar relationship when it comes to allocating memory
  • The OS manages the system's memory, controlling which programs can use which chunks of memory
    • User applications that need to dynamically allocate memory (like creating a data structure for a matrix whose size is not known at compile-time) have to ask the OS
    • In C++ we the use new operator to allocate memory for a new object/array/etc., which underneath calls C's malloc function, which itself uses the sbrk system call (on Linux)
    • We tell the system we are done with that memory (i.e., it can be reused for other things) with the delete operator (which calls C's free function)
  • Something that database systems often need to do is load the contents of a file on disk into memory
    • Since there's often more data in the database than fits in memory at one time, the DBMS moves chunks of data to and from disk as needed
    • These fixed-size chunks are called pages
  • For project 1 you will implement the component of the database that manages this

3 Concurrency

3.1 Threads

  • a thread is a single execution sequence that represents the minimal unit of scheduling
  • four reasons to use threads:
    • program structure: expressing logically concurrent tasks
      • each thing a process is doing gets its own thread (e.g., drawing the UI, handling user input, fetching network data)
    • responsiveness: shifting work to run in the background
      • we want an application to continue responding to input in the middle of an operation
      • when saving a file, write contents to a buffer and return control, leaving a background thread to actually write it to disk
    • performance: exploiting multiple processors (also called cores or CPUs)
    • performance: managing I/O devices

3.2 What the Problem?

  • a multi-threaded program's execution depends on how instructions are interleaved
  • threads sharing data may be affected by race conditions (or data races)
Thread A Thread B
Subtract $200 from my bank account Add $100 to my bank account
  • Say my bank account has $500. What are the final possible balances? If everything works, it should be $400.
  • But these account operations actually consist of several steps, and this makes the code vulnerable
Thread A Thread B
Read current balance Read current balance
Subtract 200 Add 100
Update the balance Update the balance
  • The vulnerability comes from the fact these steps can be interleaved in such a way as to result in the wrong balance
Interleaving 1   Interleaving 2   Interleaving 3  
Read current balance   Read current balance   Read current balance  
Subtract 200     Read current balance   Read current balance
Update the balance   Subtract 200   Subtract 200  
  Read current balance   Add 100   Add 100
  Add 100 Update the balance     Update the balance
  Update the balance   Update the balance Update the balance  
  • interleaving 1 results in a balance of $400
  • interleaving 2 results in a balance of $600 (yay, bank error in my favor!)
  • interleaving 3 results in a balance of $300 (I am sad)

4 Synchronization

  • prevent bad interleavings of read/write operations by forcing threads to coordinate their accesses
    • identify critical section of code where only one thread should operate at a time
  • we need hardware support to make checking and acquiring the lock an atomic operation (impossible to interrupt)
  • fortunately, C++ provides std::mutex
    • when a thread calls the lock() method it either
      • acquires the mutex and locks it (preventing other threads from acquiring it)
      • or waits until it becomes unlocked
    • a thread calls the unlock() method when it's done with the critical section
    • with a mutex object shared between our two threads, we can do

      Thread A Thread B
      Acquire lock Acquire lock
      Read current balance Read current balance
      Subtract 200 Add 100
      Update the balance Update the balance
      Release lock Release lock

This prevents the bad interleavings shown above, forcing all of thread A to happen before thread B or vice versa