CS 111 Winter 2020

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January 6 Introductions; syllabus highlights; the notional machine
No reading
[notional machine diagram]
January 8 Variables and arithmetic
Read Think Python, Chapter 1
January 10 Get to know you activity; numeric data types; error messages; the math library
Read Think Python, Chapter 2
January 13 Better living through functions and conditionals
Read Think Python, Chapter 3 (skip 3.8 and 3.9) and Think Python, Sections 6.1 and 6.2
January 15 Functions and conditionals part 2
Read Think Python, Chapter 5 (through 5.7)
January 17 Practice functions and conditionals; quiz
Read Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3/Defining Functions and Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3/Decisions
January 20 Lists and for loops
Read Pair Programming Guidelines and Think Python, Chapter 10 (through 10.4)
January 22 Lists and for loops part 2
No reading
January 24 Practice with loops
Read Think Python, Chapter 8 (except 8.4)
January 27 Nested lists; strings; input/output
Read Think Python, Chapter 9
[outline][contains.py][file.py, happy_little_file.txt, ]
January 29 Scope; tuples; assignment and mutability
Read Think Python, Chapter 12
[outline][word-check.py, word-check-fixed.py, words.txt][alias.py][experiment with pythontutor.com (see outline for examples)!]
January 31 while loops; quiz
Read Think Python, Chapter 7 (7.3 to 7.5)
February 3 while loops part 2; mid-term review
No reading
February 5 Debugging activity
Read Think Python, Appendix A (skip A.2.2)
February 7 Slicing
No reading
February 12 2D data; image data
No reading
February 14 Final project overview; quiz
Read Final Project Description
February 17 Objects part 1
Read Think Python, Chapter 15
February 19 Objects part 2
Read Think Python, Chapter 17
February 21 Advanced objects
Read Think Python, Chapter 17
February 24 Dictionaries
Read Think Python, Chapter 11
February 26 Recursion
Read Think Python, Chapter 5 (5.8–5.10)
[outline][char_count.py][rings.py (dictionary mystery)][basic-recursion.py][rec-sum-str.py]
February 28 Binary; quiz
No reading
March 2 Sorting
Read Zelle, section 13.3
March 4 Sorting part 2
Read A Tour of 5 Sorting Algorithms in Python
March 6 Useful Python stuff
No reading
March 9 Beyond 111
March 11 Ask me anything; course evals