Lab 0: Welcome to C

Aaron Bauer

March 31, 2022

Lab 0: Welcome to C1

Assignment Manifest

Each CS 208 assignment starts with an assignment manifest describing Due dates, the Collaboration policy, starter code or other materials in the lab Handout, how to Submit your work, and a list of topics or other resources that may be helpful to Reference.

(Orange boxes mark key information or warnings.)

Check-in Post

For each lab in this course, you will be expected to make a check-in post on a Moodle forum by a certain date. These posts are intended to facilitate class-wide collaboration on the labs and incentivize you to start the lab early. Making an on-time check-in post will constitute 5% of the lab grade. Specifically, you should contribute at least one of the following:

You can find the lab 0 check-in forum here:


This lab will give you practice in the style of C programming you will need to be able to do proficiently, especially for the later assignments in the class. Specific skills include

You will implement a double-ended queue (a deque), supporting both last-in, first-out (LIFO) and first-in-first-out (FIFO) queuing disciplines. The underlying data structure is a singly-linked list, enhanced to make some of the operations more efficient.

This is an individual project. You can do this assignment on any machine you choose. The testing for your code will be done on the CS department mantis server. Before you begin, please take the time to review the course policy on academic honesty and collaboration at\#academic-honesty.


Download the starter code for this lab from the course website: You can download the tar file to your current directory from the terminal by running
Extract the starter files with
tar xvf lab0-handout.tar

Read this writeup all the way through before diving straight into the code!

As the Academic Honesty Policy states, you should not search the web or ask others for solutions to the lab. That means that search queries such as “reversing a linked-list in C” are off limits. Searching for basic C functionality is encouraged (e.g., “allocating a struct in C”).


The starter code contains many files—don’t be intimated! Almost all of them are for simulating and testing your queue implementation. The only ones you have to care about are queue.c and queue.h

The file queue.h contains declarations of the following structures (you should not need to modify these):

/* Linked list element */
typedef struct node {
    char *value;
    struct node *next;
} Node;

/* Queue structure */
typedef struct {
    Node *head; /* Linked list of elements */
    Node *tail;
    long size;
} Queue;

These are combined to implement a queue of strings, as illustrated below. The top-level representation of a queue is a structure of type Queue. In the starter code, this structure contains only a single field head, but you will want to add other fields. The queue contents are represented as a singly-linked list, with each element represented by a structure of type Node, having fields value and next, storing a pointer to a string and a pointer to the next list element, respectively. The final list element has its next pointer set to NULL.

Linked-list implementation of a queue. Each list element has a value field, pointing to an array of characters (C’s representation of strings), and a next field pointing to the next list element. Characters are encoded according to the ASCII encoding (shown in hexadecimal.)

A string is represented in C as an array of values of type char. On most machines, data type char is represented as a single byte. To store a string of length n, the array has n + 1 elements, with the first n storing the codes (typically ASCII2 format) for the characters and the final one being set to 0x00. The value field of the list element is a pointer to the array of characters. The figure indicates the representation of the list ["cab", "bead", "cab"], with characters a-e represented in hexadecimal as ASCII codes 61-65. Observe how the two instances of the string "cab" are represented by separate arrays—each list element should have a separate copy of its string.

In our C code, a queue is a pointer of type Queue *. We distinguish two special cases: a NULL queue is one for which the pointer has value NULL. An empty queue is one pointing to a valid structure, but the head field has value NULL. Your code will need to deal properly with both of these cases, as well as queues containing one or more elements.


Your task is to modify the code in queue.c to fully implement the following functions. We recommend working on them in the order we’ve listed them here, testing after you complete each one.

More details can be found in the comments in these two files, including how to handle invalid operations (e.g., removing from an empty or NULL queue), and what side effects and return values the functions should have.

For functions that provide strings as arguments, you must create and store a copy of the string by calling malloc to allocate space (remember to include space for the terminating character) and then copying from the source to the newly allocated space. You cannot assume any fixed upper bound on the length of a string—you must allocate space for each string based on its length.

When it comes time to free a list element, you must also free the space used by the string. The general rule to follow is that every call to malloc needs to be matched by a call to free elsewhere in your code. I expect q_new, q_insert_head, and q_insert_tail to contain calls to malloc and q_free and q_remove_head to contain calls to free.

You will also need to use malloc to allocate space for new list nodes as they are inserted. Why do you need to malloc space for nodes and strings, instead of just declaring nodes as local variables and using the char* that’s passed into the function? Because when pointers go stale or get reused, we don’t want that to interfere with our queue. Take a look at the C Tutor example in the list of references to see this in action. There are three different versions of a q_add function: q_add doesn’t use malloc at all, q_add2 uses malloc for the list node, and q_add3 uses malloc for both the list node and the string. This code is also an example of how to use the C library string functions to copy a string.

We require that your implementations of q_insert_tail and q_size operate in time O(1), i.e., that the operation will require only a fixed number of steps, regardless of the queue size. Make sure to use the tail and size fields of the queue to accomplish this.

Your program will be tested on queues with over 1,000,000 elements. You will find that you cannot operate on such long lists using recursive functions, since that would require too much stack space. Instead, you need to use a loop to traverse the elements in a list.


It will very useful to test your code incrementally, as you implement each function. The traces directory contains 14 trace files, with names of the form trace-k-cat.txt, where k is the trace number, and cat specifies the category of properties being tested. Each trace consists of a sequence of commands, similar to those shown above. They test different aspects of the correctness, robustness, and performance of your program. You can use these, your own trace files, and direct interactions with qtest to test and debug your program. Read the comment at the top of each trace file to see a description of what it tests.

You can compile your code using the command:


If there are no errors, the compiler will generate an executable program qtest, providing a command interface with which you can create, modify, and examine queues. Documentation on the available commands can be found by starting this program and running the help command:


The file traces/trace-eg.cmd illustrates an example command sequence. You can see the effect of these commands by operating qtest in batch mode:

./qtest -f traces/trace-eg.cmd

With the starter code, you will see that many of these operations are not implemented properly.

Segmentation Fault

A hallmark of C programming is the ominous segmentation fault. This error crashes the program immediately, and provides no information as to the cause. Fortunately, gdb (the GNU debugger) can help us discover the line of code where the fault occurs and even which pointer dereference is responsible (seg faults are usually the result of dereferencing a null or invalid pointer). The course webpage has a gdb tutorial and cheat sheet. Follow this link to see demo of getting started with the lab and using gdb to diagnose a seg fault in the starter code. Note how the message in gdb

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000555555559370 in q_insert_head (q=0x0, s=0x555555761b60 "bear") at queue.c:56
56          newh->next = q->head;

indicates the line where the seg fault occurred (line 56 of queue.c). You can then use gdb to print out variable values at that point in the code. Doing so reveals that the pointer q is 0 (NULL).


Your program will be evaluated out of 60 points using the fifteen traces listed below. You will get credit (between 1 and 8 points, depending on the trace) for each one that executes correctly. The provided runs qtest on the traces and computes the score. This is the same program that will be used to compute your grade. You can invoke the driver directly with the command:
or with the command:
make test

Definitely leave q_reverse for last. It’s really more of an extra-credit problem than a core part of the lab. You can earn 59/60 without attempting it.

While the autograder will assign 0 points for a test that doesn’t pass, partial credit can be earned for evidence of a good-faith effort. Comments explaining your approach can help earn partial credit.

Test Points
trace-01-ops passes 8 points
trace-02-ops passes 8 points
trace-03-ops passes 6 points
trace-04-ops passes 6 points
trace-05-ops passes 1 points
trace-06-string passes 6 points
trace-07-robust passes 2 points
trace-08-robust passes 2 points
trace-09-robust passes 3 points
trace-10-malloc passes 4 points
trace-11-malloc passes 4 points
trace-12-malloc passes 4 points
trace-13-perf passes 1 points
trace-14-perf passes 2 points
Check-in post 3 points

  1. This lab is adapted from the C Programming Lab developed for CMU’s 15-213 (Introduction to Computer Systems), available here.↩︎

  2. Short for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, developed for communicating via teletype machines.↩︎